PHOTO: Front Cover Of Monday’s NY Daily News Reads ‘YOU LET THE WORLD DOWN’ With Photos Of Obama, Biden Kerry, Holder


18 Responses

  1. They don’t Believe there is any terrorist in the world they constantly call them different name such as gunman, shooter, Etc.

  2. No way the Secret Service would let Obama or Biden march in the open not surrounded by Secret Service protection. This is not even a shilah.

  3. charliehall,

    Really? But they have no problem with him popping into restaurants in Manhattan or bagel shops in G-D knows where etc etc. Cut the baloney. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

  4. Two reasons they didn’t show:
    1) they get their news from the NY Times, BBC & CNN.
    2) It was really an anti muslim rally and BamBam just couldn’t partake.

  5. Secret service expert and longtime obama press secretary charlie hall opines that it was a security risk for barry sotour and his gang to be in paris. I think we should all defer to his expertise and show him some respect. The name calling is uncalled for.

  6. #17–totally agree. I put a microscope over the picture and reached the same conclusion: there are women pictured. How could YWN put such pritzus bordering on pornography and place a michshol b’rishus haraabim like that? Shame, shame shame!

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