Attorney General Holder: Group Responsible For Paris Attacks Still Unknown

holderAttorney General Eric Holder says investigators at this point don’t have “any credible information” to determine which terrorist group was responsible for the attacks in Paris.

Al-Qaida’s branch in Yemen has said it directed the attack by two brothers against a newspaper that lampooned Islam and other religions.

And the gunman in the hostage-taking at a kosher market is seen in a new video pledging allegiance to the Islamic State group.

Holder says both terrorist groups pose a threat to the United States and its allies.

The attorney general spoke in a series of interviews with the Sunday morning news shows in Washington. Holder was in Paris, where he was attending a meeting with on fighting terrorism.


12 Responses

  1. We should be dan la-kaf zechus. Holder (and Obama, and Clinton) probably don’t know Arabic or French. As long as terrorists don’t announce themselves in English, it is unreasonable to expect the Americans to understand them.

  2. Come on Eric. Lets hear that story again, about how you were pulled over on the NJ Turnpike while speeding because you were black. Tell us again how terrible it is to be living in this Racist Country, led by Evil white Republicans.

  3. He said several times that the attack was the work of Islamic extremists…what he does not know, nor does anyone else right now, is which of several Islamic terrorist groups taking credit for the attacks was actually the one providing support to the three terrorists.

  4. Ah. So the US administration just doesn’t have access to translations or translators and nobody on the payroll has any knowledge of the Middle East (well, maybe that last bit is actually true).

  5. This guy takes incompetence to a new level. He is unfit for public office, and should leave now. I have no interest in his color or race, just whether he is competent. Any idiot knows that radical Islam is responsible. They have all come out supporting it, and even the “moderate” Muslims are afraid of being associated with the savagery that shocked the civilized world. The entire world knows the perpetrators are Islamists, but not Eric Holder. He is too busy worshiping his “political correctness” and looking to kiss up to the terror groups. That is not in the best interest of United States, the civilized world, nor democracy. But Holder, in concert with Obama, will never blame Islam for terror, and will punish the victims of Islam all the time. They (include Kerry) will reward terror every chance they get. That’s their track record. Their history is the best predictor of their future. Impeach them all.

  6. If Holder or Obama had a son he would look like Amedy Coulibaly.
    Maybe he actually is.
    Holder should investigate and bring federal civil rights charges against the “terrorists”.

  7. The Little that I Know seems to know a little more than his/her title says. You are 100% right. But unfortunately we will have to suffer two more years of this incompetent administration.

  8. Everybody agrees that radical Islam was responsible. That can be hard to deny when you shoot up a place screaming allah ahbkar. The question is primarily between Isis and Al Qaida, both who’ve taken responsibility, as is common. May they both be defeated soon.

  9. Mr. Holder said he does not have any credible evidence. Do any of nudnick commenters 1 – 10 know what “credible” means? And how long it takes to get it from secretive organizations?

  10. Mr. Holder said he does not have any credible evidence. Do any of nudnick commenters 1 – 10 know what “credible” means? And how long it takes to get credible evidence about secretive terrorist organizations? Maybe the AG should just read all the comments on YWN for credible information.

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