DM Ya’alon Wants to Declare Lehava an Illegal Organization

yaalDefense Minister Moshe Ya’alon has instructed the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) to probe the actions of the Lehava (להב”ה – למניעת התבוללות בארץ הקודש) (Preventing Assimilation in the Holy Land) organization towards gathering evidence that will permit declaring it a terrorist organization.

It appears that the senior minister has already made his decision but now wants to have the evidence in hand to back the move, which is likely to be challenged in the Supreme Court. Channel 2 News points out that Ya’alon made his decision after landing a respectable position on the Likud lineup despite heavy pressure from “settlers and right-wing extremist elements in the party”.

Lehava CEO Bentzion Gupstein responded to the report, stating “We are dealing with electioneering which explains why one may not vote Likud”.

“I suggest to Ya’alon to declare the Israel Islamic Association illegal and then begin busying himself with a legitimate organization that is committed to combating assimilation. After the Israel Police and the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) have incriminated us without success, the defense minister tries to get votes from the left and fight Lehava instead of busying himself fighting Israel’s enemies” he concluded.

Gupstein concluded “Lehava works to save Jewish women and should be given the Israel Prize”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. All of these groups, both Israeli and Arab, that engage in or even encourage violence, are terrorist groups and should be clearly labeled as such no matter what their “officially stated” objective. EY is a democracy and its citizens can marry whomever they want without interference from anyone. Obviously, anyone is free to verbalize their opposition to intermarriage and assimilation but in no case are they entitled to engage in vandalism, violence or threats of violence. Its not a political issue and the religious parties should join with he secular parties in condemning these terrorist organizations.

  2. To #1


    I don’t advocate violence, but clearly in our shilchon Oruch it says that sometimes spanking is required even in todays days. We do NOT call it violence, just like you wouldn’t call a doctor cutting a patient’s body violent, u would recognise it by what it really is (SAVING a LIFE)!!!!

  3. It must be nice for lahava to be so overly concerned with the most trivial and genetically-nonsensical end of the assimilation spectrum. I actually admire their position and naivety.
    Their activities may actually be extremely counter productive. At this point in time I’d probably encourage intermarriage with Arabs to counter the effects of genetic-antisemitism. They should import some fancy Arabs, east Africans and some other ones to offset the effect of all the semitic jews dropping like flies for centuries in the west while no one lifts a finger. At the same time olim pouring in from those locations with half euro genetics and culture.

  4. Nowecant – I think Zionism during its infancy was decidedly anti-Torah.
    Why would one be surprised that any movement would return to it’s roots?

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