Ben-Ari to Feiglin: Leave Likud and Come Home

feigOtzma Yehudit party head Dr. Michael Ben-Ari calls on Likud MK Moshe Feiglin to leave his party and “come home”.

In his letter to Feiglin after it has become clear that he will not be in the 20th Knesset on the Likud list, Ben-Ari calls upon him to unite forces to strengthen the nationalist camp. “Today you too understand that Likud is nothing more than a collection of opportunists that lead the State of Israel to one disaster after another. And this is all done in the name of the right-wing”.

Ben-Ari adds, “Menachem Begin was the first with his expulsion of Yishuvim [referring to Yamit and others] and his recognition of the ‘Palestinian right to self-determination’. This declaration was rejected by the government headed by [Labor Prime Minister] Golda Meir and others. [Likud] Yitzchak Shamir was first to conduct negotiations with a terror organization, the PLO in the Madrid Conference. Then there was the disaster known as the Disengagement and the establishment of the State of Hamas which chokes Israel. Once again, the [former] Likud’s people”.

Ben-Ari continues by explaining to Feiglin that his effort to turn around Likud from within has failed and it is time to work from outside, to build a Jewish nationalist leadership “without giving a hechsher to a leader who recognizes the vision of the two-state solution.”

Ben-Ari calls on Feiglin to join ranks to run in the elections for the next Knesset to provide an option for disappointed voters who feel the right-wing simply carries out the left-wing’s vision.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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