Report: PM’s Supporter Worked to Oust Feiglin from Knesset

feigAccording to a report published in Yediot Achronot, the fact that MK (Likud) Moshe Feiglin received a ‘non-realistic’ spot on the Likud ticket and will not be in the 20th Knesset is because of a campaign choreographed and implemented by Modi’in Mayor Chaim Bibas, who happens to also be the director of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu election HQ.

Yediot quotes a senior party official boasting how they “Wiped him of the radar” with a vigorous campaign throughout Yehuda and Shomron.

The report credits another with his loss as well, Karnei Shomron Regional Council member and a neighbor, Asi Levi. Levi supported Feiglin in the past but Yediot cites this time around, he explains “He had delusions of grandeur” and added he and his colleagues reached the conclusion that Mr. Feiglin is not a true Likudnik, but was actually working against the party so they worked against him.

Clearly, if defined by today’s Likud, Feiglin has and continues to speak out against the party for he feels the current party leaders have veered from the path of the Likud founding fathers and their right-wing Zionistic hashkafa.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Good riddance to Feiglin. His stupid antics about engaging in provocative activities on har habayis diverted scarce security forces to protect him and likely resulted in injuries to young men and women who had to clean up the mess he left each time he tried to provoke a riot. He will hopefully never again be seen in any public role and will suffer the consequences of his own actions and the pain he caused to others.

  2. Feiglin, one of the most honest and erlicht people in politics, does not belong in Likud. He belongs in a National religious movement, like Biyat Yehudi.

    If he would only move he would take votes away from Bibi and build up the religious bloc.

  3. Feiglin’s ideology is very much to the “right” of Likud. Most of his platform precludes every having peace. Likud is not a party that has historically opposed peace, nor is it a Jewish-only party. An American analogy would be for a tea party supporter to try running in the Democratic primaries.

    Feiglin would fit well in a party reflecting the “Hardal” haskafa or with Bayit Yehudi. He never was a good fit with Likud.

  4. We must thank HKBH that this provocative individual will soon disappear from the political realm, neutralizing the influential and dangerous role that he has been playing in the public forum.

  5. The issue isn’t whether one is opposed to peace or not. Everyone wants peace, but at what cost. Also, you have to have a real peace partner to make peace and that doesn’t exist.

    All that does exist is Jews and Leftists, who delude themselves into thinking the Arabs are real peace partners, irrespective of what they say and do that proves otherwise.

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