Greenfield: Community Unites To Attend Funeral Sunday of Fallen Officer

nypdCouncilman David Greenfield reminded the community tonight that all of it’s local elected leaders have encouraged them to attend tomorrow’s funeral on Sunday, January 4th at 11AM of slain Detective Wenjian Liu at 13th Avenue and 65th Street. “It’s truly a kiddush hashem that all of our community’s political leaders are uniting and encouraging our constituents to attend.” Councilman Greenfield said, noting that Senator Simcha Felder, Assemblyman Dov Hikind and even Rockland County legislator Aaron Wieder have asked their constituencies to attend the funeral. “Remember, this is a very somber occasion. However, we are expecting over 25,000 people in attendance. While the funeral starts at 11AM and ends at 1PM, be sure to arrive no later than 10AM if you want a closer spot to the funeral home,” Greenfield explained.

Greenfield suggests that community members gather on 65th Street as close to 14th Avenue as possible while entering from the 18th Avenue side. Greenfield also explained that 18th Avenue to Fort Hamilton Avenue and 60th Street to 70th Street will be absolutely closed to traffic. As a result, those who are driving should park beyond those areas and walk the rest of the way. Finally, Greenfield encouraged those attending to dress appropriately for the weather. Weather forecasters are predicting a cold and rainy morning.

“The NYPD is always there for us. Now is our time to be there for them. Please attend this funeral to pay our respects to the fallen officer and all of law enforcement,” Greenfield said. Greenfield also reminds people attending the funeral that the funeral will take approximately two hours and that hundreds of thousands of more people will be watching on television. As a result, be prepared to spend a few hours there on Sunday and be sure to be somber and respectful of this grave occasion.

Last week, Greenfield hosted a pro-NYPD rally in front of the 66th Police Precinct that was attended by over 150 people including many community leaders. Greenfield famously proclaimed, “If you don’t like the NYPD, get the heck out of New York.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Git Meshige and Chuck:

    For crying out loud, I didnt mean that Jews should become like those theyre standing next to at the funeral! I meant Jews shouldnt be in one cluster somewhere. I was there for the entire funeral (hours long). The way it worked out, Jews were all over the place. Personally I think it was better that way, not like we’re highly allergic and unable to stand next to anyone different than ourselves.

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