Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid Breaks Multiple Bones In Face And Ribs After Exercise Equipment Fails

reidSenate Democratic leader Harry Reid broke a number of ribs and bones in his face when a piece of exercise equipment broke at his Nevada home, causing the lawmaker to fall.

In a statement issued Friday, Reid’s office said the 75-year-old senator was hospitalized overnight at University Medical Center in Las Vegas as a precaution. His security detail had initially taken Reid to St. Rose Dominican Hospital near his home in Henderson, Nevada.

The accident occurred when an elastic exercise band broke, striking Reid in the face and causing him to fall, said spokesman Adam Jentleson. Reid struck part of the equipment as he fell, breaking multiple bones near his right eye.

As he hit the floor, he broke several ribs.

Tests found no bleeding in the brain or any other internal bleeding, Jentleson said. He is expected to be released on Friday.

“Senator Reid will return to Washington this weekend and be in the office Tuesday as the Senate prepares to reconvene. His doctors expect a full recovery,” his office said.

Jentleson said Reid is likely to have severe facial bruises.

Reid, majority leader since 2007, will hand over the top job in the Senate next week to Republican Mitch McConnell of Kentucky after Democrats lost their majority in November’s midterm elections.

In October 2012, Reid suffered rib and hip contusions in a chain-reaction car crash.

Reid has run marathons and was a boxer as a young man.


6 Responses

  1. 1. He has lots of friends who are trial lawyers who will be glad to help him. If he has a tort claim against the equipment manufacturer, his own personal health insurance is irrelevant.

    2. The significance is that if his health is failing, he is unlikely to run for reelection, and the Republicans have a good chance of getting his seat (and a badly needed pickup as in 2016 the Senate class of 2010 is running and since the Republicans did well that year, they have many seats that may be hard to defend).

  2. He was incapacitated even before the accident with mental illness. He has a disease that is spending other peoples money like a drunken sailor

  3. #4 – That’s not a mental illness, it’s the Democratic platform.

    P.S> and its slander on drunken sailors, they only spend their own money, and only on things they believe they benefit from, as illustrated by Obamacare, the Democrats even spend money that doesn’t benefit them (note all the people who lost their insurance who are very annoyed – a drunken sailor would have more sense)

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