Boro Park: Community Board 12 Votes Unanimously In Support Of The NYPD

nypdAt their regularly scheduled monthly Board meeting held on Monday, December 29, Community Board 12 voted unanimously to adopt a Resolution in support of the New York City Police Department and in particular the 66th Precinct which is co-terminus with Community Board 12.

Being that the Police Department has lately been portrayed badly and in light of the recent tragic events involving the assassination of two Police Officers while on duty and the excellent work the New York City Police Department has done to reduce crime in this City – in particular, the 66th Precinct – Board members along with elected officials felt it important to support New York’s “Finest” during this time of turmoil in our City.

“As Chairman of CB12’s Fire, Safety & Police Committee and President of the 66th Precinct Community Council, I feel privileged to have introduced this resolution and am proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our officers in support of them and their great work,” said Marc Katz.

“Although it’s great that we are expressing our support and appreciation for the NYPD tonight, it shouldn’t take a tragedy to do it. I encourage my colleagues and the entire community to keep the NYPD in their thoughts and prayers all year round,” said Chairman Yidel Perlstein. “When you see a cop tomorrow, next week or next month, take a moment and say thank you for your service,” added Perlstein.

“Our community has always had a great relationship with the Police Officers that protect us and by working so closely with them; I see that more every day. We are one family and feel this attack personally. I commend the Board for adopting this resolution and hope that this show of support will bring some relief to our NYPD family,” said District Manager Barry Spitzer.

“Police officers risk their lives every day to keep our own families safe. They need our support now more than ever. I was proud that Community Board 12 Chairman Yidel Perlstein and District Manager Barry Spitzer stood with me at a rally I sponsored last week at the 66th precinct to show our support of the NYPD and am proud of them for showing the Community Board’s support today,” said Councilman David Greenfield.

“There have been too many funerals for too many brave police officers who kept us safe. Unfortunately, it’s only when a tragedy like this occurs that we are reminded of the sacrifices they make every single day to make our lives better. I salute these heroes and stand in solidarity with the NYPD,” said State Senator Simcha Felder.

“The brave men and women of the NYPD risk their lives every day protecting us. We value them and stand with them. We are more than appreciative of what New York’s Finest do and we should convey that. Their loss is our loss,” said Assemblyman Dov Hikind.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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