Tikvah Layeled in Human Form: A Tribute to Terror Victim Dalia Lamkus HY”D

23A few days ago, the Jewish world marked the shloshim of one of our finest heroines: Dalia Lamkus HY”D. The senseless and brutal stabbing that snuffed the flame of a woman, whose kindness touched the hearts of thousands of our needy and disabled children, has left us shocked and bereaved. No amount of consoling could ever fill the gaping void that was left with her passing. The personal and undivided attention that she used to communicate with children most in need of it can never be replaced. A heart so big that could envelop any amount of pain; a love so great that can brighten the darkest corners of a child’s world, is something that Dalia HY”D took with her on her last journey.

Staffers and co-workers at Tikvah Layeled in Israel, where Dalia HY”D gave her heart and soul as an occupational therapist, have lost a valuable role model. It is difficult to maintain a posture of gaiety and cheerfulness when working with children with cerebral palsy. Yet, that is exactly what our Dalia did. Her pure ahavas Yisrael served as an inspiration to the rest of the staff to keep up the good work and to do it with a smile.

The boys and girls of Tikvah Layeled Foundation lost their best friend. Every child felt comfortable and found a caring and listening ear when Dalia was around. No task was too great and no challenge too daunting when Dalia was there ensuring that the child can succeed.

When Chanukah came around and Tikvah Layeled took the children on exciting trips, Dalia was there to sing with them, laugh with them, and cry with them, always inspiring them with her emunah and ahavas yisrael. When staff was low and Tikvah needed an extra pair of hands, Dalia was there in a flash. No doubt Dalia HY”D personified the vision of Tikvah Layeled: to provide every child the opportunity to live a happy and fulfilling life in spite of their disabilities. She was a Tikvah Layeled – Hope for the Child  in human form; a force that brought hope to the lives of disabled children.

May this be the last of our korbanos and hasten the coming of Mashiach when the sick will be healed and when we will once again merit to enjoy the love and inspiration that was Dalia Lamkus HY”D.

(Studio B – YWN)

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