Belz Nixes WhatsApp Heter

wapWhile some Belz chassidim in the past had permission to use the popular app WhatsApp, those days are about to come to an end. This heter applied to individuals in the chassidus given permission to use a kosher smart phone that permitted working with WhatsApp. The new regulation goes into effect on Rosh Chodesh Shevat.

According to the Ladaat report, when members of the Communications Vaad in the chassidus learned of some of the possible uses of WhatsApp, they reversed their earlier decision to permit it on a case by case basis.

The vaad explains that the ‘blanket’ heter for kosher smartphone users will come to an end but the vaad will entertain individual requests pertaining to individual functions of the application instead of giving general approval for WhatsApp as was the case in the past.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. What does WhatsApp do? Are you living in the dark? You telling me that you don’t see anything wrong with whatsApp? It seems to me you don’t listen or go to the דרשות of our rabunim.

  2. Yes, #3, I use WhatsApp, and I see nothing wrong with it. It makes staying in touch with my family so much easier. I know where my kids are, who’s coming home from work at what time, and it’s our go to for an emergency roll-call if there’s a pigua.

  3. Dear Kollel, I’ll tell you what’s within with whatsApp. Yes you could use it in a very good way and it’s a very good tool to make life much easier but You & I know that it’s being used for lots of shtusim and lushen hora. Sending out clips to groups when this should be a privacy act is done with out permission. I think you know exactly what I’m talking about. I wouldn’t want my mitzva dance should go public, to do that it’s an act against my privacy. And that’s what wrong with whatsApp, it’s NOT being used alpi hatora.

  4. BH I don’t have a smartphone and have no clue what “whatsapp” does not do I know what any other app does.

    Not living in the dark at all, just avoiding unnecessary gadgets.

  5. @major Lazer please don’t talk like you know what your talking about. You souND ignorent. What you’re saying can be done on any messaging service. So it does not single out whatsapp as something wrong.

  6. Someone not knowing what Whatsapp is exactly should be PROUD of themselves! We live in an oilam hafuch. Bottom line, all these apps and gadgets take away from our main focus in life. I use the Internet, I use a smartphone but I know that it’s use extends beyond work. I do not have whatsapp because I don’t need another time waster in my life.

  7. “…When members of the Communications Vaad in the chassidus learned of some of the possible uses of WhatsApp, they reversed their earlier decision to permit it on a case by case basis.”

    A possible use of my regular telephone is to order a pepperoni pizza from a treif establishment.

    Shall we ban telephones (and pizza) now?

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