Brooklyn: Greenfield Lights Up 21st Avenue @NYCGreenfield

gCouncilman Greenfield has long made improving pedestrian and motorist safety along 21st Avenue a top priority. At his request the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) will be installing new streetlamps and replacing the old lamps with new LED lamps on 21st Avenue along Washington Cemetery. The lamps will be installed on 21st Avenue between 53rd and 59th Street in the first half of 2015.

The condition of the streets surrounding Washington Cemetery has been a source of frustration for local residents. Councilman Greenfield recently toured 21st Avenue with the DOT Brooklyn Borough Commissioner Keith Bray to review safety concerns and request immediate agency action to correct the widespread speeding, illegal parking and other dangerous activity. The Councilman pointed out several key intersections sorely in need of traffic controls, specifically 21st Avenue at 53rd and 57th Street. The Commissioner acknowledged and witnessed reckless driving firsthand and pledged to expedite the process of installing speed controls.

“These three streetlamps will go a long way towards illuminating what has been a dangerous and desolate stretch of roadway for pedestrians. My thanks to the DOT for hearing our call for safer streets and installing these lamps,” said Councilman Greenfield.

“My thanks to the DOT and Councilman Greenfield for putting more streetlamps along 21st Avenue. All too often the community board receives complaints from neighbors scared for their safety because of the poor lighting and dangerous driving along these blocks. The new lights will go a long way towards solving those issues,” said Community Board 12 Chairman Yidel Perlstein.

Greenfield requested the improvement of this street over a year ago. Unfortunately, the process takes a very long time as the installing a new street light does not come easily in New York City. First, the DOT must conduct a survey of the area in need of light. This process takes several months. Once the DOT’s study determines additional lights are warranted, it can take up to one year for the light to actually be installed.

Councilman Greenfield has also recently tackled the issue of illegal commercial parking along 21st Avenue. At his request the NYPD’s 66th precinct conducted several ticketing stings to illegally parked commercial vehicles to end what has become a culture of abusing parking regulations.

Photo Caption: Councilman Greenfield meets with Brooklyn DOT Commissioner Keith Bray to discuss safety concerns on 21st Avenue.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. This should be in the dog bites man category, gov’t employee with govt elected official DOING THEIR JOBS with taxpayer money.

  2. Seeing is believing. When the lights get installed THEN the Councilman can showboat and hold a press conference. NOT BEFORE. I’m tired of promises that don’t get fulfilled.

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