BREAKING NEWS: Shas Leader Deri Submits his Resignation [UPDATED 9:29 PM IL]


In response to the damaging video released by Channel 2 News on Sunday 6 Teves,  Shas leader Aryeh Deri on Monday evening submitted his resignation.

The letter is viewed by many as a publicity stunt with Deri hoping to receive a unanimous vote of confidence from faction members and the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael of the party to continue in his position.

UPDATE 20:10 IL: The Shas Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael is convening at this time to determine if it will accept Deri’s letter of resignation.

UPDATE 21:49 IL: Members of the Shas Torah Council have left the home of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L and are on their way to Aryeh Deri’s home to persuade him to change his mind and retract his resignation.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. Everyone would be best off at this time if Shas joined Yahadut ha-Torah (rather than risk falling below the threshold), and the Yishai breakaways would form a joint list with the religious nationalists who are too frum for Bayit Yehudi (which should also manage to pass the threshold).

  2. It’s very sad news yishai is a very nice guy but not a good politician he can’t a track non shas voters deri is much more capable of doing it could be he’s not a nice man but r ovdia wanted shas to get back a big party like before deri left it had 17 seats before he left so yes

  3. May this video be a lesson to all those who blindly follow a Rav’s signature waived by some “askan”…

    As the alter of Kelm always said: The 11th commandment is ‘Don’t be a fool’.

  4. I’m not a Navi, but every time I read another story about Israeli politics, I have a feeling that Moshiach’s arrival is delayed. STOP ACTING LIKE 2 YEAR OLDS AND GET ALONG WITH EACH OTHER!!! FOR THE SAKE OF KLAL YISRAEL!!!!

  5. Atyeshiva [4], I guess you didn’t watch the video. To me it was clear way before the video…

    True, this Deri attracted people in the beginning of his carrier with his rhetoric, just like Lapid started with 19 seats. It was clear to me way back that he wasn’t a true שלוחא דרבנן

    Yes he does a lot of good and a lot of chessed. He’s an unbelievable great askan etc. but very independent.

  6. As Yira said:

    If they would actually work for a living, all this wouldn’t be. Too much time on rabble rousers hands in all camps of the Chareidi world unfortunately.

  7. MDshmeks I’m not a israeli I don’t support any party I just think deri will get more seats maybe not this election because what’s going on now but in the future, yishai is a more a nice guy But the hole thing of having charerdi politicians is to influence the government to help the charedi zibur so the bigger the charedi party’s are the better so the person who is the best capable of doing it should lead the party, being loyal is also very importanted thing but it doesn’t come before having a bigger party, that my opinion

  8. How much more of this garbage will Deri and the Rav’s children dump on the Kever of Rav Ovadia, Z’TL. Its like a bad script from a grade B X-rated movie. The Sephardeshe tzibur deserves much better and that option is clearly with Yishai.

  9. 11: you don’t understand what politics does to people. Religious people are in a situation where they are too dependent on the government

  10. Atyeshiva [10]
    True, if that was the case, but how can he bring more votes when he has so much trash? Remember, the bigger the battery for good the bigger the damage when damage happens… this guy is blamed for Oslo and all kinds of things, and I truly feel the bloom is off the rose.

    It goes hand in hand. When one isn’t loyal he looses the S’yata Dishmaya to do great things

  11. To No. 14

    Yes….Rav David Yosef now claims that his father never said or meant what we clearly see and hear him saying about Yishai. Instead, he implies his father was senile and rather than condemning Deri the felon really was trying to trash Yishai and kick him out of Shas. Their theatrical performance today at the kever was such a chilul hashem it makes you sick.

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