Maran’s Family: We Have the Real Black Box

ovadyAfter the release of the damaging video by the Channel 2 Evening News on Sunday 6 Teves, members of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef’s ZT”L are quoted threatening they possess there real ‘black box’ and if and when they decide to release the information in their hands, “an earthquake will result”, Walla News reports.

The video released shows Maran speaking in 2008 with his closet aides, speaking harshly against current Shas leader Aryeh Deri. Eli Yishai and HaGaon HaRav Meir Mazuz Shlita released statements to the media that they had nothing to do with the release of the video.

Walla adds that family members state “we are in shock and we know when Maran wanted his words publicized and when not and we are respecting his kovod but we will release the information if compelled to do so”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Soap opera mystery continues!

    Does ittrulymatter what Maran said in 2008 & 2010 & 2011 & 2012? BTW WHY is someone taking videos all the time?

  2. This is getting really stupid and each tit for tat creates another chillul hashem. Do they have pictures of Yishai with a goat??? what is gained by each side threatening to further embarrass the other side by demeaning the memory of Maran?

  3. it’s very easy to say “we have secret info”. I bet they don’t have a counter video where Rav Ovadia says Deri listens to him and Yishai does not.

  4. R’ ovdia in his life spoke against nearly everyone that was his way, each rav/rabbi has his way so what’s the point of giving out videos he spoke against אשכנזים and he was good with them so you can’t prove anything with a video of him saying something. yishai stared this baby game why?

  5. No. 5. While Maran spoke his mind, he was transparent and consistent and never ridiculed and condemned someone like Yishai behind his back as his sons and Deri would have us believe. Deri and the Rav’s sons will drown in the mud they are now flinging about in a desperate effort to hold on to power.

  6. Maran is gone. We can’t ask him anything. We don’t know what was the context of the video and the whole thing is sad. Close down the parties. Join with Yahadut Hatorah. and stop this chillul Hashem. Why were they videoing him without his knowledge? It’s terrible and as they say in Sephardi: it’s Majnoun!

  7. The tzibbur should hear what harav Ovadia had to say so whoever is holding tapes should publish them with no further delay. Holding tapes back as a ‘black box’ reeks of potential blackmail. By all means publish the tapes and let harav Ovadia himself have the last word.

  8. Wow, if this one is a no good thief and this one is a no good thief, then why should anyone vote for a party run by no good thieves?!?

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