Obama Says Despite Protests, America ‘Less Racially Divided’ Since 2009

obaPresident Barack Obama says the U.S. is less racially divided than it was when he took office, despite recent protests over police treatment of black people.

Obama says mistrust between police and minorities isn’t new. He says it’s being talked about more because the proliferation of smartphones allows more interactions to be recorded.

The president says he thinks the issue of race has surfaced in a healthy way.

Obama spoke to NPR News before leaving for his winter vacation in Hawaii. He says it’s understandable that many people feel race relations have worsened, pointing to extensive media coverage of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, and in New York. But he says minorities who have dealt with discrimination all their lives know things have improved.


One Response

  1. Rules for Radicals
    If you say a lot often enough, people will start to believe it.

    The Obummers have spent the last 6 years saying how racist the country is. Look at their most recent people magazine interview. Look at her one message to the people of China!

    How do you know when BO is lying? When his lips are moving.
    These people are trying to divide our country. They will use any means possible.
    My only comfort is that he can’t do anything that Hashem doesn’t want him to do.

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