VIDEO: Har Nof Shul Attack Terrorists Buried AFter Israel Returns Bodies


The bodies of the terrorists responsible for the heinous slaughter of Jews in the Har Nof shul attack were returned to their families on Wednesday 2 Teves with the stipulation they cannot be buried in Jerusalem. They were buried in a Muslim cemetery near Maale Adumim.

MK Danny Danon decried the move, the return of the bodies to the families, calling it a slap in the face to the bereaved families. Danon stated returning the bodies for burial permits the community to turn the barbaric terrorists into heroes and their funeral processions become an enlistment for the next generation terrorists.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. It could be I’m wrong. I don’t want to judge anyone because I have not been in their place.

    I just feel that jews should not keep dead bodies of anyone no matter what. If this is what we believe in, if we believe in burial after death then give then their dead terrorists back. Why keep those terrorists on your soil dead or alive. What I do believe in is that rather return them dead than alive.

  2. To: OnlyTheTruth

    Yes, you are wrong.
    The Jewish law is to save lives or fellow Yiden. If by despising their bodies in a garbage incinerator would save one Jewish life in the future, then be it.

  3. Why? Why? Why?
    Do THEY ever return bodies without exacting a HUGE price in return?

    They could have quietly (without fanfare) buried them just like their fellow terrorist Bin Ladin…with the fish

    By the way, he also had an “Islamic” burial.

  4. onlythetruth:
    It is such a disgrace that Israel gave back these animal hides to be buried. They should be burned and thrown away. They do not deserve to be treated as human beings. How could you even say such a disgusting thing like that?

  5. #1 OnlyTheTruth. Even if we believe in burial we don’t have to disclose the place of burial or give them access to the site so they can turn it into a shrine and allow the arab public and mothers to come there and shepp so much nachas

  6. Hello anybody home………
    OnlyTheTruth. Even if we believe in burial we don’t have to disclose the place of burial or give them access to the site so they can turn it into a shrine and allow the arab public and mothers to come there and shepp so much nachas….

  7. I ta’aneh we discretely supply the bodies to Israeli medical schools for anatomy lab. We can punish the terrorists by actually doing something positive for society with their bodies. I dont think it would solve all the cadaver sha’alos in this country, because there would be a severe shortage of female bodies. Btw, we should’t have to limit ourselves to the dead terrorists…

  8. ok, ok, ok, I apologies if I aggravated anyone it was definitely not my intention.

    I agree with you %1000 those who wrote about maybe burying them in a disclosed location or even dropping them out of a helicopter in to the water wouldn’t bother me.
    I just don’t want them buried in Erezt Yisroel.
    I think they have enough issues with cemeteries there.
    I don’t think they need terrorists there.

  9. Note that when Osama bin Laden was buried at sea, the U.S. military followed Islamic protocol. No matter how heinous the acts committed by Muslim terrorists, dishonoring their corpses would only serve to radicalize more Muslims.

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