‘My Extended Family’ Illuminates Channukah for Single Moms and Their Children

unnamed (1) On the 3rd night of Chanukah, “My Extended Family” a project of Mayan Yisroel of Flatbush under the leadership of Rabbi Yoseph and Tzippy Vigler, held their 2nd annual Chanukah party, exclusively for children from single parent homes and their mothers. My Extended Family is the first organization of its kind, catering to children from single parent homes, and run under rabbinic guidance.

With a jam-packed program at the Agudah of Ave L, all free, the purpose of the party was to illuminate the children with the light of Chanukah.

‘A Glow in the Dark Chanukah’ theme led children through a dark hall with special effect flashing lights where they designed t-shirts and bracelets using glow in the dark paint and sand.

Kold Kuts catered the sumptuous fleishig buffet and for dessert the children decorated donuts.

IMG-20141218-00776An ice menorah, designed and exquisitely sculpted exclusively for the party was lit by Rabbi Vigler. Rabbi Lief, the Rav of Aguda shul, gave chizuk to the women and credited them for all the smiling, happy faces of the children, despite trying circumstances.

While the 350 children enjoyed the special perfomance by the famous R J Lewis, with his trademark tricks, whimsical sense of humor and brilliant ventriloquist act, their mothers were entertained by Esther Rachel Russell, at her Comedy Improvisation Workshop. One mother commented, “We are all dealing with stress on a regular basis, and need the techniques to diffuse tension through laughter.”

A mechitza was set up for dancing, so everyone was able to soak up the simcha with Dovid Stein. It was heart warming to see a special camaraderie and achdus amongst such a diverse group of women and children up on their feet in dancing led by Baila Caller.

Thanks to generous supporters, each of 250 children went home with an elegant Chanukah gift and five-dollars Chanukah gelt, which Shea Caller had the honor of handing out to beaming faces.

As one mother expressed, “…My kids, ages 3 and 5, (any myself) came home on a high! They enjoyed it immensely from the fun arts and crafts, delicious food, to the amazing magic show, to the dancing and the special Chanukah gift! It was a night to remember…”

And another: “…From the minute we walked in, my kids were in heaven. All the time and effort that you put into this event was so apparent by the joy in all the kid’s faces.  As I walked around I was in awe and even teary eyed at the planning that went into making this so special…and it truly was. I cannot thank you all enough for making this Chanukah so special for myself and my kids….”
Thank you to Shterny Blackman, Chani Miller, Rochel Karp and Dori who made it happen!

To get involved, please email us at [email protected].



2 Responses

  1. Rabbi Vigler is an amazing person. He was a plain, poshuter fellow and then he opened the shul. It became a msjor center for so msny prople to develop their Yiddishkite. He is a modt successful Rov because he is genuine. It certainly is his better half who developed him and keeps him toned!
    Kol HaKavod.

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