Video: Hikind, Daskal Offer Important Community Safety Tips



Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) and Yanky Daskal, the founder and coordinator of the Boro Park Shomrim, released a video today offering safety tips to community members. The 8-minute video presents a wealth of information designed to remind people of things that everyone can do that will assure greater safety and security for themselves and the community.

The key issue that Hikind and Daskal discuss is cars passing school buses while children are either boarding or being dropped off. “Everyone is in a hurry to get to work, to get to minyan, to get wherever it is they have to get to,” says Hikind. “We understand this. But none of these are good reasons to pass a school bus when children are boarding or exiting. Doing so is illegal and it is dangerous, but we experience it in our community on a regular basis. When you pass a school bus, you are endangering someone’s child.” The Assemblyman said he is asking the police to be even tougher on drivers who take these types of chances and endanger pedestrians in the community.

Another issue that Hikind and Daskal discuss is parents pushing strollers in the street while speaking on the phone. “When you’re on the phone, you are distracted,” explains Daskal. “And your baby is the first one in the street.” Hikind agrees. “An accident takes one second to happen, G-d forbid. Please be mindful of this.”

Assemblyman Hikind said that he is working toward making safety reflector straps available for community members, as he has done in the past. Daskal agreed that the safety reflector straps would be very helpful when it’s dark and when it’s raining. “Everyone wears these upstate,” he explained.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Why don’t they talk about increasing security in shuls? Very few shuls have proper security cameras, guards or safety procedures in place.

  2. Have school buses equipped with wireless cameras mounted on both sides of the bus that are activated when the flashing red light turns on and records all vehicles from both sides of the street. Similar to what they have installed in the NYC transit buses, and transmit activities to Shomrim or the NYPD. The cost is minimal for the sake of a child’s safety. People spend thousand of dollars for home security, Why not do the same for a child’s life.

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