RCCS to Host a Magical Night of 2getherness


To say that this event is the most anticipated entertainment event of the year would not be an exaggeration.  For thousands of people, children and adults, men and women, Chasidish, Litvish, Yeshivish and Sephardic this is one night on which all our minor differences are laid aside and our unity is on display in all its glory.


The RCCS annual live auction drawing has become a not-to-be-missed event, unparalleled anywhere in the Jewish world. The Chizuk, the humor, the talent, the knowledge, the songs, the level of inspiration-laced unity — all under one roof — is electrifying. The fact that this event is broadcast live to scores of communities throughout the country and the world is further evidence of its unique unifying effect. Indeed, this event is a testament to the worthy, life-saving work of RCCS, an organization that assists Yidden throughout the world in their times of need, without differentiating due to age, gender, background or level of observance.  RCCS is there for everyone; it’s no wonder that people of all stripes and types participate in this jubilant finale of the annual auction, aptly named “The 2gether Experience”.


Some of the esteemed Rabbanim and Askanim who will be part of the event include the famed orator and educator,  Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein, the renowned public servant and motivational figure to thousands of Jewish children, Judge Daniel Butler, and of course, RCCS’s own Executive Director, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Golding.


The hosts of this evening’s event are the well-known Mr. Charlie Harary and the respected Rabbi Motty Zeiger of Yeshiva Darchei Torah and Ruach day camp fame. Some very special entertainment is being prepared for the event, including the Mezamrim choir, the talented Modi, and the exciting duo, Eighth Day, who have recently recorded a brand new song especially composed for RCCS patients.


Some very special and unique panels are being organized for the event, including a 20 year medical review and several first-hand accounts of RCCS’ involvement in saving lives. Additionally, a special forum will take place, discussing the traumatic effects that cancer has on children in a home that is dealing with the disease.


The awesome auction prizes, which filled the pages of the cool auction book that was mailed to homes everywhere over the past few months, will finally be won! The drawings for all the massive prizes, like Split-The-Pot (Last year the pot reached $300,000!), Grand Prize, antiques, bedding, cash, designer jewelry, Eretz Yisroel trips and much more will finally be chosen live on the air! Additionally, special prize packages, which were not in the book, will be added the night of the event, so more people will have even more chances to win! Yes, it’s exciting! It’s magical! It’s an auction like no other:  RCCS style!


All this and more will be accessible to everyone, anywhere on the globe, via satellite hookups and various local radio and telephone bridges, as well as via live-stream at www.RCCSauction.org.


Thousands of Yidden will turn their attention to one place for a few magical hours, and the result will be a deepened sense of unity among Klal Yisroel, and most importantly, the wherewithal to help hundreds of cancer-stricken patients who anxiously await the hope that RCCS, bs”D, provides for them.


2gether, Klal Yisroel can do it!


2gether, we will all tune in on Monday night, December 15th, starting at 8:00 pm.


2gether we will beat cancer!



If you did not yet choose your prize selections, you can still do so now at www.RCCSauction.org




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