Emotional Zikaron for Harav Mosheh Twersky at Toras Moshe Dinner

Rabbi Shmueli Weiner (l) and Rabbi Yehuda Abramowitz, members of the Hanhallah - smallKlal Yisroel is still reeling from the recent tragedy which took the lives of four Kedoshim in Har Nof. Yeshivas Toras Moshe in particular was cast into mourning with the loss of their beloved Rebbi, Harav Mosheh Twersky, zt”l, Hy”d, and talmidim quickly mobilized to dedicate the Yeshiva’s Dinner l’ilui nishmaso.

The 32nd Anniversary Tribute Dinner took place this past Sunday, December 7th, at the Ateres Avrohom Hall. Instead of the usually celebratory reception, the first part of the program was an emotional hazkara and a time to reflect on what Rav Twersky meant to the Yeshiva.

Rabbi Moshe Meiselman delivering hesped - smallThe evening began with the recitation of several chapters of Tehillim. The Rosh HaYeshiva, Harav Moshe Meiselman, delivered the opening hesped, poignantly describing Harav Twersky as a true rav hadomeh le’malach whose single-minded devotion and unconditional love for every talmid made his lifetime a Kiddush Hashem just as much as his tragic petirah.

The Mashgiach of Yeshivas Toras Moshe, Rav Elchonon Fishman, delivered a highly emotional hesped filled with longing and warm memories of Rav Twersky’s holiness and unique maalos. “More than anyone else, we know what we have lost,” Rav Fishman said. “By recalling and trying to emulate him, we can bring true zechusim to his memory.”

The emotion in the hall reached a high point when two of Rav Twersky’s close talmidim, Rav Yehuda Eisenstein, Rosh Chabura in Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, and Rav Yechezkel Lang, a chavrusa of the niftar for 16 years and Shoel Umeishiv in Toras Moshe, who flew in especially for the event, delivered hespedim. The audience was transfixed as they vividly portrayed the way Rav Twersky personified the great heights that a human being was capable of attaining, and the powerful inspiration he radiated on every person he came in contact with.

The final hesped was delivered by the Novominsker Rebbe, who was well-acquainted with Rav Twersky and often davened with him at that very shul when visiting his children who live in Har Nof.  Ashrei chelko, the Rebbe pronounced with emotion as he described how inspired he was just from hearing the words of Rav Twersky’s talmidim. He then challenged the audience with an insight from his illustrious zeideh, the Kotzker Rebbe, on the pasuk of ve’hachai yitain el libo. We must all reflect on the fact that we are still alive, we have the opportunity to try and live by his example. He was from this generation; he lived and experienced today’s nisyonos, but he made choices that we can all learn from and change our perspective on what life is truly meant to be.

A moving Kel Moleh Rachamim was then chanted by Chazzan Yaakov Rosenblatt, accompanied by the Mezamrim choir. A moving video was shown, including footage from a scene still fresh in everyone’s mind, when three years ago Rav Twersky stood at this same podium as an honoree, and shared his perspective on the tafkid of rebbi. The Rosh HaYeshiva then announced that the Yeshiva was embarking on a Kesivas Sefer Torah that would eternalize Rav Twersky’s memory in the bais medrash, with the siyum coinciding with next year’s Dinner.

Following the hazkara, the scheduled Dinner program began. Dr. Joshua and Shiffy Fox, noted community leaders in the Five Towns, were recognized as Guests of Honor. Dr. Fox expressed his deep hakaras hatov to the Rosh HaYeshiva for the education and the life skills his two sons R’ Moshe Dov and Bentzy gained during the time they spent learning at Yeshivas Toras Moshe and passionately implored the audience to show their support.

The Class of ’96 received the Ner Michoel Alumni Tribute. In keeping with the dinner’s theme of “Leadership: the Hallmark of Toras Moshe,” an enthralling video presentation showcased the way various members of the class have spread out to live in different cities and are being mekadesh shem shomayim by impacting and influencing their surroundings.

The Dinner concluded with remarks by the Rosh HaYeshiva, who tied together the emotion of the hazkara and the recognition of the honorees’ achievements as the embodiment of the Yeshiva’s eternal message, that Torah is the guiding light of a Jew’s life, no matter what path he chooses.

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