10 Key Findings From Report On CIA Interrogations


Ten major findings from the newly released summary of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report on the CIA’s detention and interrogation program:


—Enhanced interrogation techniques used on terror detainees, including simulated drowning and sleep deprivation, were ineffective in gaining intelligence leads that led to important operations against terrorist groups or prevented attacks on the U.S.

—The prison conditions and harsh interrogations of detainees were more brutal than the CIA officials acknowledged to the American public and in contacts with Congress and the White House. The simulated drowning technique of waterboarding was “physically harmful,” with effects that included vomiting and convulsions. At least one terror detainee died of exposure in an overseas prison.

—The CIA’s management of coercive interrogations and its system of “black site” prisons was “deeply flawed.” Personnel were sometimes poorly trained, medical personnel assisted in harsh treatment, and record-keeping was mismanaged.

—The agency’s use of coercive interrogations was based on a program developed by two psychologists who had no experience in interrogations or counterterrorism. The CIA never conducted a comprehensive analysis of the program’s effectiveness.

—The CIA actively impeded or avoided congressional oversight. CIA senior officials repeatedly gave inaccurate information to congressional leaders and at one point under-counted the number of terror detainees who were subjected to harsh treatment under questioning.

—CIA officials often gave inaccurate information about its interrogation program to Bush administration White House and legal officials, preventing a proper legal analysis of the prison operations. Bush legal officials relied on erroneous CIA data to codify the use of waterboarding and nine other enhanced interrogation techniques.

— Interrogators sometimes used harsh tactics not condoned by CIA superiors or White House legal officials. But interrogators and prison officials who violated CIA policies were rarely disciplined or reprimanded.

—Much of the information that the CIA provided to the media about its interrogation and detentions program was inaccurate, preventing clear scrutiny of detainees’ treatment.

—The CIA’s reliance on harsh interrogations complicated the national security missions of other federal agencies. The FBI abandoned its traditional role in interrogations as the CIA began to rely on harsh methods. And the CIA often resisted efforts by the agency’s inspector general to investigate the use of harsh interrogations and conditions in black sites.

—The CIA’s harsh interrogations and secret detentions in overseas prisons damaged the reputation of the U.S. around the world.


2 Responses

  1. One more thing: the CIA operates as their own bosses and resist and resent oversight, being told what to do. They feel that politicians are motivated by political – not security – concerns.
    While there is some truth to that, the bottom line is that the CIA are employees, working for a boss. That boss is the people of the USA, represented by the senate.
    The CIA are not mandated to do their own thing!

  2. #1: You know this because of many years of interaction with CIA employees, right?

    You will find – no, you will never find because you don’t have the clearances or need to know – that your comments do not represent reality, especially today’s CIA reality.

    And, of course, the article – as all media articles on this matter – will never print congress’ minority report which is 180 degrees from this one, nor will they publish the dissenting views of the people in and out of the CIA who were there at the time, nor will they be able to analyze the full report because it is classified.

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