BREAKING PHOTOS: Elected Officials Gather In Crown Heights Led By Brooklyn Boro President Eric Adams To Discuss Stabbing In 770


Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams is now joined by Jewish community leaders and elected officials in responding to the fatal shooting of 49-year-old Calvin Peters, an armed individual who stabbed 22-year-old Israeli student Levi Rosenblatt in the face last night inside the Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters in Crown Heights before being shot by an NYPD officer.

Borough President Adams and others are addressing the community’s concerns on the attack and the safety of local residents.

Video and photos, as well as a detailed report will be published shortly.

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(Chaim Shaprio – YWN / Photo by Hillel Engel)

7 Responses

  1. Uh, mr sharpton? Where are you? Oh a black person violated someone else’s civil rights? And the victim was a Jew??? Never mind then

  2. Every Shul and Yeshiva needs an armed person to protect the lives of everyone in there in the event of a mass shooting or mass stabbing. It is mandatory by the Torah that “V’Shamarta Es Nafshosechem”, guard your health and well being

  3. @ nowwecant. I dont think the answer is to have everyone from 770 carry a firearm rather 770 should have an armed securiry guard.

  4. Because we live in America, we may take the Right to BearvArms for granted, but be aware of History. The first thing that Hitler did when he came to power was to disarm the populace so they were defenseless. You cannot shove six million people into gas ovens if they have weapons. There can be no mass shootings nor mass stabbings when someone there has a gun to stop the attacker. This is a lesson we need to learn sooner than later. It is a statistical Fact that in American cities that have the strictest gun control that disarms the citizens there is the most shootings and most crimes: DC, Baltimore, NYC, Chicago, LA. The cities where the law abiding citizens are armed have the LEAST deaths from gun violence. This is because the criminal knows he will be stopped by Smith and Wesson or Colt 45 . Yidden, every Shul and Yeshiva needs an armed trained person. Every Jewish person should take lessons at a gun range and learn firearm safety, and legally purchase a gun, which is your right as a citizen. Remember after the Holocaust we said “Never Again”?

  5. Response to Meir Deutch- I didn’t say everyone at 770 needs to carry a weapon. I clearly said that every Yeshiva and Shul needs ” an armed trained PERSON”. Singular. I notice that the liberal argument always takes the argument to the absurd extreme – EVERYONE AT 770!! No, I said one armed trained person at each shul and yeshiva is a safe deterrent to a mass casualty attack.

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