Israeli Court Sanctions Mercy Killing R”L

elec.jpgThe Tel Aviv District Court in an unprecedented ruling permitted disconnecting an ALS patient from life support R”L, Haaretz reports. It is reported the man was suffering from the terminal illness for seven years and died a short time after life-support was turned off, in line with the ruling, which was approved by Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. There is alot missing from the story
    1. there are many instances were pulling life support is allowed in halacha brain dead being one of them
    2. The patient may have left in their living will that this is what they want
    3. People may scream assur assur assur but until one comes up close a personal with someone in this situation then zip it shut

  2. Wait, let me get this straight: no death penalty for cold-blooded terrorists, but it’s ok to murder an innocent man just because he’s sick?! For shame!!

  3. Coffee addict, you’re so awfully wrong!
    Yes it may be assur l’halacha but do not make light of the serious situation people face when a decision is made.
    The loved one is writhing in pain and crying from excruciating pain round the clock: will never return to normal life and the medical field suggests it!!! How does the family decide!!! So sad!
    Remember the loved one will then be gone forever.


    Pulling the plug is MURDER!

    The Torah considers shortening life by even a minute equivalent to any other first degree murder!

    #1 SNIVELING WICKED person

    1.NO authentic POSEK allows pulling the plug ever !
    2.The patient wrote a will?! So what?!

    YOU have a problem with the Torah!?

    (Most of us have dealt with this at some point or another personally-but it’s irrelevant)

    When will you and other “Orthodox” Jews promote acceptance of outright murder with guns? In a couple of years from now, when your conscience comes around to it?

    Some ‘jews’ will excuse also euthanasia’giving high functionig animals equivalent human rights ,etc. etc.

    For some, their professed religion is poison “Sam Hamaves”

    These people and their defenders must be thrown out of our people

    and cease to exist

  5. Sorry, Eric, but brain death is controversial in halacha, and is not accepted by many. Recent medical research indicates that brain death tests are frequently inaccurate.

    Further, in the case of ALS, brain death is rare. The mind continues functioning as muscle control competent disappears, to the point that the patient cannot use respiratory muscles.

  6. I love people who comment, without the facts.

    1. The victim requested to be slowly taken of medical support so he can die quicker.

    2. He wasn’t or ever was “brain dead” before this incident.

    3. They lowered his oxygen levels slowly, hastening his death. The did not “kill” him.

    4. Withholding medical care is allowed according to Halacha according to most poskim, and not just the left wing liberal ones.

  7. A. HaAretz is an irreligious garbage rag which some deranged people call a newspaper. Within the last week or so, one of its so-called top journalists misconstrued and incorrectly published a comment from a female MK. It took a few days and the statement was retracted and an apology given. Sorry Charlie, if you’re such a hot-shot journalist and you are covering the Knesset happenings there’s no room for error.

    B. The person or persons that disclosed this
    information to this anti-religious rag of a newspaper (HaAretz) were unauthorised to make any disclosures considering the medical examiner hadn’t issued any statement yet. I guess Mr. About Time trusts non-religious Jews regarding their kashrut too.

    C. Since you believe this irreligious rags printed statements then you can eat in the editors’ house as you’ve already come to the conclusion that the information disclosed was all correct. Was there an EEG performed by a neurologist not a technician to if there was brain activity? This person could have had seizures and you would have never known it. Considering this person had ALS was his cardio-vascular system intact? compromised possibly due to an event that you don’t know about? How about his motor functions? In ALS, the muscles become progressively weaker, and the disease eventually leads to paralysis and death.

    D.The term “mercy killing” is all sensational newspaper jargon. Considering the lack of worthiness of this rag of a newspaper, I would question anything and everything that’s published in its’ pages. This rag is what one finds in most bathrooms for that’s where it belongs like the National Enquirer in the US.

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