Litzman: I Believe We Can Reach Nine Seats

degMK Yaakov Litzman on Tuesday morning 17 Kislev spoke with Kol Berama Radio host Mordechai Lavi to address preparations for elections.

Kol Berama

What about the frum women who are vying to enter Knesset?

(The question refers to a number of frum women running with an initiative to get on the chareidi parties’ lists. They are threatening if women are not added, chareidi women will not vote in the elections)


Gedolei Torah decided that only men appear on the list. I do not know who these women are and we do not have to get into this. There is a list and that is the way it is.

Litzman hinted that there is increased cooperation at present between chareidi parties and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Kol Berama

Do you think Yitzchak Herzog is a worthy candidate in the race for prime minister?


Why not? It is all dependent on the decision of Gedolei Yisrael however as you know. In the past Livni wanted to be prime minister and we were okay with it with a condition that she gives us a document in writing that she will not enter into negotiations including Yerushalayim and she refused. That is why we did not back her.

This time around it will be easier to get voters out to vote due to the gezeiros of the outgoing administration. No explanation is needed. Everyone understands the situation.

Kol Berama

What about the surplus voting agreement between Shas and Yahadut Hatorah?


I am not getting into what takes place with Shas or any other party. We must all ask our gedolim how to act. Most of all we need achdus towards increasing chareidi representation in Knesset. We are in sync and we have proven we do know how to work together.

As he concluded the interview Litzman addressed threats that the litvish faction will run on its own, independent of Yahadut Hatorah. He explained all concerned are all too well aware of the responsibility and consequences of such a decision. “We must make a Kiddush Hashem to avoid all of the gezeiros” he stated.

“I cannot go into what is taking place in another party but I say that each of us must be act L’Shem Shomayim towards increasing chareidi representation in Knesset. Each of us must do his own cheshbon. I will not get into it” he concluded.

When asked if he was referring to the litvish Bnei Torah faction that broke away from Degel and he said “the polls show we have eight seats. I believe we can reach nine. Each has to do his cheshbon nefesh”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses


    SUCH AS:

    Israeli Court Sanctions Mercy Killing R”L

    (Tuesday, December 9th, 2014)
    elec.jpgThe Tel Aviv District Court in an unprecedented ruling permitted disconnecting an ALS patient from life support R”L, Haaretz reports. It is reported the man was suffering from the terminal illness for seven years and died a short time after life-support was turned off, in line with the ruling, which was approved by Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein

  2. Oy, why are charedim getting involved in the Knesset it is against the Torah way, we have the Torah we dont need these shkotzim in the knesset telling us what to do, likewise we dont need the IDF as we have a better woman not some American built toys, oy what will be if this is chareidi representation.

  3. Variables to be considered:

    1. How many choose not to vote as a protest since they oppose the state and all candidates have to at least nominally support the medinah (common among non-zionist hareidim, as well as anti-zionist Arabs). Will the fact that Yahadut ha-Torah is focused this year on blocking conscription, rather than schnorring money for its constituents, result in a higher degree of support among non-zionist hareidi who have abstained in the past.

    2. How many parties fail to make the threshold and waste their votes. Already two centrist parties (Livni and Mofaz) have dropped out to avoid wasting votes. Its possible that Bayit Yehudi and Shas may yet have splits resulting, probably, in wasted votes. It isn’t clear if the two Arab parties will pass the threshold. When a party fails to pass the threshold, that indirectly helps all the other parties.

  4. Re: #2 About Time’s comment-
    A. HaAretz is an irreligious garbage rag which some deranged people call a newspaper. Within the last week or so, one of its so-called top journalists misconstrued and incorrectly published a comment from a female MK. It took a few days and the statement was retracted and an apology given. Sorry Charlie, if you’re such a hot-shot journalist and you are covering the Knesset happenings there’s no room for error.

    B. The person or persons that disclosed this
    information to this anti-religious rag of a newspaper were unauthorised to make any disclosures considering the medical examiner hadn’t issued any statement yet. I guess Mr. About Time trusts non-religious Jews regarding their kashrut too.

    C. Since you believe this irreligious rags printed statements then you can eat in the editors’ house as you’ve already come to the conclusion that the information disclosed was all correct. Was there an EEG performed by a neurologist not a technician to if there was brain activity? This person could have had seizures and you would have never known it. Considering this person had ALS was his cardio-vascular system intact? compromised possibly due to an event that you don’t know about? How about his motor functions? In ALS, the muscles become progressively weaker, and the disease eventually leads to paralysis and death.

    D.The term “mercy killing” is all sensational newspaper jargon. Considering the lack of worthiness of this rag of a newspaper, I would question anything and everything that’s published in its’ pages. This rag is what one finds in most bathrooms for that’s where it belongs like the National Enquirer in the US.

  5. #5 espiritu-santo

    A & D indeed are absolutely right


    Even if there is even modicum of reality to the reporting (and when there is smoke… ),there ought to a protest to the heavens !

  6. espiritu-santo,

    Anyone who battles for Judaism on a national and/or global scale is my ally, and vice versa.

    You seem to be in that category,so it’s okay if you attack me on occasion.

    Psalm 119:63

    Sadly,it is much less common amongst “orthodox ” than we would like to wish.

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