Gaza Demanding 10 Million Tons of Building Materials

ttuWith winter rapidly approaching, Gaza is demanding ten million tons of building materials to rehabilitate Gaza following Operation Protective Edge. Maariv reports that since October 2014, 4,456 tons of buildings materials have been imported into Gaza in addition to 43,000 tons of materials being used by the international organizations, Gaza Electric and Gaza Water Companies. An additional 18,459 tons of gravel was imported in connection with Qatari rebuilding projects. Gaza officials are however telling the international community that winter rains have arrived and too many people are homeless.

In an international summit addressing the need to rebuilt Gaza, 50 nations committed to infuse 5.4 billion dollars to rehabilitate Gaza. This was to be accomplished over three years. Gazans report that only a few nations have actually stepped forward to make good on their pledges and at the current pace; the rehabilitation will take over two decades.

Israel has expressed her willingness to permit building supplies into Gaza if there are adequate international community guarantees in place to make certain the materials will not once against be taken by Hamas to continue rehabilitating and advancing its military abilities and building terrorist tunnels instead of homes.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Tell these jungle bunnies to recycle the cement from the tunnels or ask Egypt as Israel is NOT giving them any more building supplies. The metal that was given was re-shaped into missiles and launchers. Let the scum EU give them building material as we’ve had it supporting these scum. They are non-productive so no more building materials. Live in the sewer pipes you built to infiltrate Israel because you are all apes and pigs. These creatures aren’t interested to repair any housing but to repair the tunnels that were destroyed or to build new ones. Let the termites rot where they are. If Abbas starts this time, WIPE OUT!!!!!

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