UPDATE: Attacker In Chabad Headquarters Was Emotionally Disturbed And Had Documented History Of Mental Illness



New York City police have identified a knife-wielding man fatally shot by an officer in the basement of an international Jewish organization after they say he refused to put down his weapon.

Authorities say Calvin Peters was killed following a caught-on-camera confrontation with officers in Brooklyn’s Chabad-Lubavitchheadquarters early Tuesday after they say he stabbed Israeli student Levi Rosenblat in the head.

Police say the 49-year-old Peters was emotionally disturbed and had a documented history of mental illness. They say he had been arrested 19 times since 1982, most recently in 2006 for drugs.

A woman who answered the phone at his Long Island address asked for privacy and declined further comment.

Rosenblat is in stable condition.

Police are investigating the attack but don’t suspect terrorism.


6 Responses

  1. So now all the do-gooders will crawl out of the woodwork & say he should have been tasered or whatever. To those I say, watch the video – & remember, he already stabbed a bochur.

  2. he was a mentally disturbed man. they could’ve tasered with him and if he was white they prob would have but the racist nypd goes off the rails again and shoots another black man for no good reason.

  3. To #4 jew Yorker:

    You seem to forget. Four of New York’s “finest” gunned down, execution style, Gideone Bush in cold blood, in the heart of Boro Park! His crime? Being mentally disturbed! It was the police who pepper sprayed him first which caused him to get agitated. Then they used that excuse to MURDER him. I don’t know how the Frum neighbors who called the police can sleep at night knowing they caused the murder of an innocent fellow Jew.
    The cover up that followed that incident, is a disgrace that will live in infamy.

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