Greenfield Praises NYPD For Protecting Lives After Brutal Attack at 770 Eastern Parkway Synagogue

IMG-20141209-WA0032Councilman David Greenfield released the following statement this morning:

“Following on the heels of the brutal stabbing terror attack in a Jerusalem synagogue the other week, I was unnerved to learn about the brutal stabbing of a Jewish student last night in Brooklyn at Chabad’s world headquarters, the synagogue at 770 Eastern Parkway,” said Councilman Greenfield. “The young man was stabbed in the head in a vicious and shocking attack. I wish him a speedy recovery.”

“The video clearly shows that everyone, including friends of the victims, tried to deescalate the situation of an armed man inside shul who had just stabbed a Jewish student. The attacker was yelling “do you want me to kill you?” at shul-goers and NYPD officers at the scene. The responding officers bravely shot the perpetrator and protected the lives of others in the synagogue. I thank the NYPD for their professionalism and for protecting innocent lives at 770 Eastern Parkway this morning – one of the world’s most important synagogues.”

“I also appreciate the NYPD increasing patrols at Jewish sites this morning and encourage everyone in New York City to be vigilant. If you see something, say something and call 911 immediately.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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