An App Now Available To Fight Neo-Nazi Hate

nnThe following is via NBC News:

An “anti-Nazi” app has been unveiled to help people counter far-right extremists.

It is being launched at a time when a planned home for refugees regularly triggers rallies by hatemongers in the Berlin district of Marzahn-Hellersdorf. The new app allows users to find the best locations to block the right-wing protests.

“We want to generate more public awareness and help more people to stand up against Nazis,” Jessica Zeller from Berlin Against Nazis told NBC News. “Under the cover of grassroots movements, extremist groups are trying to spread their hate ideology and that needs to be countered.”

Push messages alert users of the app to upcoming right-wing demonstrations in and around the German capital. On a Google Maps-inspired graphic, the planned route of the neo-Nazi march is shown in brown, while orange is used for the streets in which counter-demonstrators are scheduled to gather. An Android version of the app is already available and an iOS version is expected to be released on Tuesday.

In its attempt to make protests more mainstream, Berlin Against Nazis has also printed its messages on beer coasters and fluffy seat cushions for every-day use.

(Source: NBC News)

2 Responses

  1. No app is going to fight neo-nazi hate or any other anti-Semitic behavior, groups, or government. Only shmiras ha’mitzvos and limud ha’Torah can do that. (k’she’zeh kam, zeh nofel – ul’om mil’om ye’ematz) Teshuva, tefilah, tzedakkah maavirin es ro’ah ha’gizeirah.

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