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Herzog, Livni & Mofaz Reach Agreement

mofazWhile the final documents have yet to be signed, Labor party leader Yitzchak Herzog has reached agreement with The Movement party leader Tzipi Livni by which they will run under a joined ticket in the upcoming elections for the 20th Knesset. An agreement is also expected between Herzog and Shaul Mofaz of the Kadima party.

This being the case, three slots in the first ten of the party lineup would go to members of The Movement (2) and Kadima (1), not to mention the first slot belongs to Herzog. Labor faction members are not all pleased as they realize four of the first 10 slots in the lineup are already taken and they are being pushed aside as a result of the expected agreements. Livni would receive the number two position behind Herzog and MK (The Movement) Amir Peretz, who defected to The Movement from Labor, would be back and in the top ten.

Herzog explains to the opponents that they are not reading the political map correctly for without the deal, they will not emerge from elections the largest party and the deal places them in the driver’s seat. Faction leader Eitan Cabel explains to his colleagues that this is much bigger than Labor moving ahead but he calls it a “national mission” to oust Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Likud and bring control over the country to the centrist/left-wing.

Livni was once among the Likud elite as she and her family have deep Likud roots. Actually, she was a Likud member in the 15th and 16th Knessets, and during the 16th moved to Kadima and then launched The Movement ahead of elections for the outgoing Knesset. Kadima all but fell apart when former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was compelled to resign due to allegations of corruption. Shaul Mofaz assumed the head of the party after most of its members migrated to other parties or left Knesset.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Bad news if the left takes control, Israel is in a very bad situation from all its enemies and the worst thing to happen would be that the “peace keeping” left should run the place.

  2. #2-

    1. He gives them a general on the list.
    2. Kadima was polling around 2 seats. Mofaz pays for himself and then some.
    3. Winners draw voters. By growing Labor (through mergers and acquisitions) to the point where it is perceived as a real contender to win the elections it will draw voters from other parties.

    #4- We’re still some 100 days from the elections but if current polls may be taken as an indicator then the left will only be able to form a coalition by bringing in Kahlon, Leiberman, Lapid (or at least 2 of the last 3) and the charedim. Which seems highly unlikely.

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