NYT Recommends Visiting Lubavitcher Rebbe Ohel Instead of Watching Jets And Giants Games


The highly-read Sunday edition of the New York Times spoke directly to the fans of the Jets or the Giants – “two teams that have also been quite good at torturing their fans this season.”

So instead of watching another game in the “calamitous” season, the Times recommended taking a break and suggested “better ways to spend your Sunday”.

One of them, recommended by Times metro reporter Sarah Maslin Nir, was to “Make a Pilgrimage.”

Here is what she wrote:

“Visit a grave-turned-shrine of a rabbi in Queens. The Ohel is the final resting place of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who was the leader of the Lubavitch sect of ultra-Orthodox Judaism.

“Schneerson, known as the Rebbe, died in 1994, and in the past two decades his burial site has turned into a place of pilgrimage for Jews, who trek here from around the world to write prayers on scraps of paper and toss them on the Rebbe’s grave — 24 hours a day.

“The site, little known outside the Jewish community, is in fact a nondenominational place of prayer, where any visitor is allowed to walk right in and toss a paper prayer into the mix. Perhaps there you can pray for our two lousy teams.”

(Source: COL)

4 Responses

  1. I’m not lubavitch however I’ve gone to the ohel on a number of occasions and we had a yeshua. Just saying. And btw let’s keep it a secret to just our holy brothers and sisters. Zei huben nisht vus tzu zichen durt.

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