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WATCH: NYC Mayor De Blasio Refuses To Endorse #EricGarner Grand Jury Decision


Appearing on ABC, de Blasio three times refused to respond to the question of whether he respected the decision by a grand jury not to bring charges against Daniel Pantaleo, the police officer who put Staten Island resident Eric Garner in a chokehold during an arrest attempt.

The following is via

After de Blasio had deflected the question, saying “as an executive in public service” he respected “the judicial process, but …” host George Stephanopoulos interrupted to ask: “So you respect the grand jury’s decision?”

De Blasio replied, with emphasis on the last word: “I respect the process.” He went on to talk about initiating a “systemic” retraining of police officers in New York, in order to “fix the relationship between the police and the community”.

Stephanopoulos countered: “So you respect the process but not the decision?”De Blasio gave the hint of a smile but did not reply.

He said he would “absolutely cooperate” with a federal investigation now underway to establish if the police action against Garner violated his civil rights.


12 Responses

  1. blah blah blah, so are you liberals happy you voted for him. Retrain the police to what ignore crimes. In general this guy is looking to dumb down the process that has been so successful over the last 20 years. Like a commenter said on a diffrernt story, we’re slowly rolling back to Dinkin’s days. Whoa unto us.

  2. We now have “Dinkens” and his way of thinking on 2 levels (at City Hall and at the White house). Of course, here too Al Sharpton, who does not deserve respect)is in both places considered a high-level advisor. So what should we expect from the individual who brought us Tawana Brawley, Freddy’s in Harlem, Crown Heights…and a host of continuing outrages. Why there is no grand jury looking into this racial arsonist is beyond me.

  3. Thank you all the askanim and all your radio programs for supporing this Communist, I hope you are happy all your “vital organizations” got all this gelt that justified this selling out of our community.

  4. DeBlaBlaBlazio, too bad fellow, The jury has spoken. That’s the legal system in this land called America! You can go to the U.S. of Africa.

  5. I agree the Judicial must be fixed.
    How do we permit a man arrested 50 times to be free on the streets and push a man onto the subway tracks and kill him.? But not to worry – our Judicial system will have back on the streets soon.

  6. To #3:

    Exactly. “They” told us that Joe Lohta “lacked personality”. Too bad Bill Thompson threw in the towel against this Sandinista Mayor. Mayor Sharpton & his Deputy, Chirlane McCray are dragging this City right down the toilet.

    Btw, why wasn’t Deblala at Herman Badillo’s funeral?

  7. This mayor is such a goofball and using his son who looks like he should’ve been on the cast of what’s happenin’ more than in city hall to promote racial dissension is despicable. And incidentally, he never answered jewliani’s point of blacks commiting murder 8X rate of any other group.

  8. I can honestly point the finger at all Jewish Democrats no matter religious or otherwise, for it is “YOU WHO ARE TO BLAME FOR PUTTING THIS BOZO IN AS MAYOR OF THE LARGEST METROPOLIS CITY IN THE WORLD.” You are the same morons who also were so blinded by Hillary Clinton’s empty charm that you made her state senator and then she went on to become an even bigger liar. Bill de Blasio is a big 6’5″ equal to Ronald McDonald as they’re both clowns.
    –For you history buffs, it was the Democrats that started the infamous KKK. The KKK’s goal was destroy what the Republicans wish to build which was a free society where both blacks and white could hold public office. There were massive killings of innocent whites and blacks that wanted an integrated south. de Blasio wouldn’t have fit in there too well as he like all the racist keep calling out the race card. I don’t care that his wife is black as that doesn’t prove that he’s not a racist towards other blacks or whites for that matter.

  9. its interesting that when the jury absolved the killer of yankel rosenbaum h’y’d even though there was dead bed recognition which usually carries a lot of weight (by the way the entire jury was black) the then mayor Dinkins and other high officals said THE JURY SPOKEN JUSTICE WAS DONE. lets face it we are looked at differently.

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