OK Kosher Stands Behind Tropicana Juices – Says No Halachic Kashrus Issues

tropFollowing sa recent article by Rabbi Yair Hoffman which was published on YWN, OK Kosher released the following statement to YWN:

OK Kosher stands behind the kosher status of all Tropicana juices bearing the OK symbol. In response to recent reports relating to Tropicana juices, the OK tested the juices and also had them tested by an independent and knowledgeable posek, and all agreed that there are no halachic kashrus issues.

In addition an independent laboratory tested the juices and found no traces of insects.

As always, consumers can rest assured that any product bearing the OK symbol is kosher without compromise.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. Tropicana and the Ok admitted that there are indeed scale insects in Tropicana Orange Juice.

    Numerous “experts” in infestation in Brooklyn, Monsey, Lakewood, Eretz Yisroel, etc that tested Tropicana Orange Juice and it to be infested above miut-hamutzui. Therefore Dayonim & Rabbonim that were presented the expert’s results concluded that Tropicana OJ is indeed ossur.

    More details to follow.

  2. I am willing to challenge the independent Rav that checked the Tropicana Orange Juice and did not find any insects or didn’t find a sufficient amount of them to conclude that it’s Ossur.

    I prefer to do the challenge in public, so the Kosher consumer can observe and decide.

  3. I am willing to challenge the independent Laboratory as to their results that they found “no infestation”.

    We would like to see the letters from Rav Dovid Feinstein & Rav Shlomo Miller, what was presented and was their psak.

  4. Thank you YWN for the “clarification”.
    This is part of an ongoing Motzie Laz campaign, to give the perception out there, that any product that is not from a “HEIMISHA” (LOL) Company, is Treif Gamor! If you don’t pay triple the price on an item of inferior quality THAT HAS A “JEWISH” NAME or a FAKE sticker slapped on top of the Goyisha OU/OK/StarK/ChofK, you are over kama lavin and are a Shaigetz! You can deny it all you want, but every Kashrus Scandal in the last number of years, was with CHASSIDISHA “Hechsheirim! You people have been trying to discredit the OU/OK etc… for so many years without any success B”H. Give it up already.

  5. I don’t know if there is insects or not in it . but the one who came up with it (golden flow/Lakewood or devash ) is definitely smart

  6. I don’t get it. Bugs HAVE been found. That’s why this is in the news. Sounds like all the bugs suddenly vanished for the well paid independent bug searchers! The OK can keep the multimillion dollar contract with Tropicana. I am thirsty…

  7. Can you please clarify:
    It sounds like the OK and the knowledgeable posek agreed that there are bugs just no halachic concerns. While the independent laboratory determined that there are no bugs. I respect the OK but I happen to have my own Rav, if there are bugs I would like to know about them, so I can ask my own posek. Please clarify.

  8. Every Yaakov, Yudel, Yidel, Yingle out there will come up with newer chumras everyday. How careful are you with your following of Taharas HaMishpacha, Shmiras Shabbos, Ma’aser, Hachnasas Orchim, Mevaker Cholim, Lashon Hara, Mozee ShemRa, Maasay Gevul, HaSagoss Gevul, Mitvzos of Ben Adam L’Chavaro, paying your taxes, not learning Torah and playing on your telephone? Try also to remember that kashrus is a multi-billion dollar business. Not to be sarcastic – everything is done L’Shem Mitzva.

  9. I am not looking for kulos or chumros, I am just looking for honesty, a hashgacha that is not honest is not worth a nickel. Are there bugs or are there no bug? If there are bugs then why is it muter? If there are no bugs, then why did you bother the “knowledgeable posek” to pasken about no bugs?

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