PM Netanyahu Comments on Pollard’s Condition

pollardn1-300x181On Friday 13 Kislev, YWN reported that Jonathan Pollard lost consciousness and was hospitalized as a result.

At the start of the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, 15 Kislev, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stated, “Over the weekend I spoke with Jonathan Pollard’s wife Esther and with US Secretary of State John Kerry. I told him that the uncertain state of Jonathan’s health is an additional reason to set him free. Jonathan lost consciousness and was hospitalized; he is not a healthy man. He is suffering from several ailments at the same time. The time has come, for many reasons, after 30 years, for Jonathan Pollard to be released and to become a free man. He has already paid his debt and he at least deserves the same treatment that others in his position have received. We will not refrain from acting until we bring him home, here to the State of Israel”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Dream on. I’d be shocked if pollard ever gets freed. You can call it anti semitism I think there’s just more to the story than we know of.

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