Israel: Policeman Going To Daven Attacked in Meah Shearim

mishA policeman in uniform that was heading to a minyan in Meah Shearim was attacked. The policeman had to call for assistance to extricate himself from the attack.

It would appear the presence of a person in an Israel Police uniform is sufficient reason for some to go on the offensive. In this case it was an officer simply looking to daven.

Israel Police officials told the media they view the attack against a uniformed policeman as very serious and they will do everything possible to apprehend the suspects responsible for the unprovoked assault.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Mi k’amcha yisroel! Kol hakavod. Beautiful kiddush Hashem. Its stories like this that show how we are an ohr lagoyim. Hopefully there were some meah shaarim kids watching so this mesorah can be passed down to the next dor.

  2. I live next to Meah Shearim and I don’t know what minyan this officer went to but I am very ashamed that any Jew who came to a shul to daven would be treated like this.He can come to the shuls in our neighborhood and we’ll welcome him!

  3. They should bust them! Whether or not the medina sots well with you or not is irrelevant! Yidden are never allowed to act in this way!

  4. #1#2#3#7

    THIS is so much concerning to all of you more than..

    Rabbonim in Haifa Displeased with Mayor’s Plan To Result In Widespread Chillul Shabbos

    It appears the letter is in response to the city’s planned major Shabbos triathlon event that is expected to result in major and widespread chilul Shabbos. They add that chareidi mosdos in the city have long felt the discrimination against them.

    The rabbonim explain they are speaking out in the name of the tzibur at large as well as the heads of the mosdos and shuls in the city. They call on the mayor to cancel the major chilul Shabbos event

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