Bar-Ilan University Charged with Discrimination Against Non-Frum Students

biuKorel Wechsler, who represents the Yesh Atid faction of the Bar-Ilan University Student Union, sent a letter to university President Rabbi Professor Daniel Hershkowitz calling on him to address the critical lack of student housing for non-religious students.

Psych major Miri Sbaro, a non-frum student, explains she applied for student housing this year but was rejected. She adds that the rejection was less than informative as to the reason but she told Maariv she has learned the housing maintains a religious atmosphere and in her school application she did check that she is not religious. She explains as a result she is paying 3,400 shekels monthly for rent, which is several times more than she would have had to pay for student housing.

She adds that the university’s discriminatory policy against non-religious students is unacceptable and illegal and she is contemplating filing a suit with the Supreme Court.

University officials responding to Wechsler’s allegations explain that all students enjoy the same rights but they do have different lifestyles. They add the campus housing has traditionally been for those maintaining an Orthodox lifestyle in line with the hashkafa of the university. This means keeping Shabbos and kashrus officials explains, adding they are working on a solution for the non-religious students as well.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Let us not forget that Bar Ilan U. was set up to help religious students who were being discriminated against at other Israeli universities to fulfill themselves – not to give seculars another place to learn!

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