TRAGEDY IN BORO PARK: Mother And Child Struck By Vehicle – 10-Year-Old Child R”L Niftar – Mother Delivers Baby

candle914A mother and child were struck and pinned under a vehicle Tuesday night, with the child R”L Niftar after arriving at the hospital. The accident happened just before 9:00PM at the intersection of 18th Avenue and 60th Street. Boro Park and Flatbush Hatzolah were on the scene in moments, and along with the FDNY and NYPD were able to extricate the victims.

The child, reportedly a 10-year-old girl, was rushed to Maimonides Hospital in traumatic arrest. Doctors tried to save her life, but she was R”L Niftar a short while later from her massive injuries.

The mother, who is 9 months pregnant, was taken to Lutheran Trauma Center. She is in serious but stable condition. Bichasdei hashem, doctors were able to deliver the baby, who is Boruch hashem healthy. The mother is expected to make a full recovery.

The NYPD was on the scene investigating the cause of the accident. The streets were wet at the time of the accident.

No name for Tehillim was available for the mother at this time.

In a sad twist, the sister of the child who died was critically injured in a fire on Chanukah in 2009. Miraculously, she made a full recovery after a long period of time in hospitals and rehab facilities. Her father publicly thanked the FDNY members who saved his daughter.


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(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)


29 Responses

  1. This just happened recently on coney. Is this another wakeup call like what’s happening in Eretz Yisrael? Hashem Yishmor!!!

  2. yentachaya–What in the world are you talking about,
    “another wakeup call like what’s happening in Eretz Yisrael? Hashem Yishmor!!!”
    please explain youreself to me it sounds like you are insane.

  3. yentachaya,

    Please stop trying to assign reasons to tragedies. Focus on how we an prevent things like this from happening in the future, like safer driving and cognizant pedestrianism.

  4. Tonight I was driving to my shiur in boro Park. The streets are dark. The rain makes it much harder to see the pedestrian. Members of our community dress in black Then you put on a black miel (raincoat)over your head or you hold a black umbrella, how can a driver see you. In order for vision zero to work people must wear reflective belts or vests.

  5. As a resident of this area I can tell you that the level of reckless driving is out of control. There is a total disregard for speed limits, stop signs, and red lights. Everybody is in a rush and is oblivious to the safety of fellow drivers and pedestrians. Every year in Boro Park numerous children are struck and killed. I understand we are on a timetable due to Shabbos, Yuntif, simchas, etc. but life and safety are paramount. I hope this horrific accident serves notice, but I am doubtful anybody will change their behavior. It will be forgotten in two days.

  6. BDE
    What a terrible tragedy to occur.
    TEARS are rolling down my cheeks as I write this sad message R”L which could have been totally avoided.

    think this is bad? it only gets worse R”L..

    look at the recent children tragedies Niftar over the last few weeks.

    1)Chaya Zissel Braun a”h,-daughter of Shmuel Elimelech of Yerushalyim -Killed by Hamas terrorist driving into train accident-October 22 2014-3 months

    2)youth traveling on roller blades in Bnei Brak slammed into a parked vehicle and was killed- October 25 2014

    3)Adina Pliver-daughter of Gavriel & Daniella of Lakewood-October 25 2014-5 months old

    4)Shalom Baadani-Riding his bike to Kosel in Jerusalem & hit by terrorist car-November 7 2014-17

    5)Dalia Lamkus-of Tekoa Israel-attacked by Arab stabbing her-November 10 2014-25

    6)Almog Yissocher Shiloni-of Modi’in Israel-attacked by Arab stabbing him-November 10 2014-20

    7)Moshe Schreiber-son of Dovid & Rochel of Lakewood-infant unresponsive, apparently from SIDS-YESTERDAY-December 1 2014-3 months old

    Do YOU remember these very recent tragedies?

    Look at their young ages & the ways they were Niftar. in such a short span of time. do YOU think this is coincidence?


    NO MORE SIGNS OF TRAGEDIES NEEDED FROM HASHEM if we all start teshuva NOW we won’t need any more of these tragic wake-up calls from Hashem

    May her neshama have an Aliya

    Will we ever wake up? is there any hope for us? if we haven’t woken up yet after hundreds of non-stop tragedies R”L occurring will we ever?

    Let me know if YOU are ready to do teshuva together with klal yisroel so this can stop already & mashiach can come Bim’heira

  7. Yenta – Sometimes people are in such a deep sleep that even as the alarm is sounding they convince themselves that there is no reason to wake up and that they can continue sleeping.

  8. Heartbreaking. I can’t imagine the pain of the family, refuah shleima to mother and baby. The driver – was he/she speeding? There are so many factors that can cause accidents & it isn’t our place to point fingers.
    We don’t understand why these things happen, but it is so tragic.

    Like ah yid says, we have to be visible when we go out at night. We have to be alert and responsible as drivers. There is so much we can do to stop road accidents, let’s all be careful, pedestrians and drivers.

  9. TO # 7 I don’t want to make light of what you wrote. But much fault lies with pedestrians as well. As a driver I have to contend with members of our community who dress in black. How do they expect me to see them at night. Why don’t you wear a reflective belt or vest. I cant tell you how frustrating it is that people not only don’t wait on the sidewalk for the light but keep inching into the intersection from both sides until the cars are forced to stop. A few years ago a politician was laughed at for suggesting no texting when crossing. I really think today its no laughing matter people are oblivious to their surroundings as they cross the street. Why aren’t these concerns addressed in vision zero.

  10. To all you haters on here, @Sam Klein wrote what I was thinking in much clearer terms.
    @goofus there’s nothing to change in terms of driving, it was a rainy night and the roads were slippery (they still are now)
    @ikvese calling someone “insane” is rude and highly offensive. You should not be allowed to post on here. That’s called cyber bullying and can be reported as a crime.

  11. Thank you Sam. That was very important. It is very sad. All those aew very high Neshamot doing a great Tikkun for Am Israel. May Moshiach come now b’Ahava.

  12. Unless you are a Navi or the manhig had or, stop assigning blame, finding reasons and mussaring the tzibur. Everyone should make their own cheshbon hanefesh and leave it at that. Of course I readily admit that it is much easier to make a cheshbon hanefesh and pinpoint everyone elses weaknesses.

  13. BD”E. I would like to suggest that everyone who reads this contact local politicians and petition for brighter lighting. If you go to certain areas in modtown manhattan they light the streets up as if it is daylight. walk down 5th avenue near the department stores and you will see what i mean. they probably have LED lighting. All our neighborhoods need better lighting. It would help with seeing people crossing streets and deter some crime as well. contact your local politicians and demand better lighting.

  14. If you are looking for a divine message from all these child tragedies may I perhaps suggest the following;

    We all know that at the end of times ALL of the Jewish nation will reside in the Land of Israel, enjoy the presence if the Shechina, and bring about the zenith of Jewish history where Hashem will be recognized by the entire world.

    It’s a natural process and its actually happening right in front of our eyes, in 70 years Jewish population in Israel went from .001% to 43%.

    However, the majority are oblivious to this national responsibility. Some are stuck in the past. Others are focused on the negative aspects of this process instead of seeing the divine hand leading the way.

    Hashem is sending a message. Its the children. Hashem wants his children to recognize and unite behind this national goal. Hashem wants his children home. Now.

    Don’t just read this do something.

  15. Wether you agree with the Novominsker Rebbe on a personal level or not- his message at the Agudah convention can clearly be seen from the comments on this story. Not everyone has to have something to say. Your message might have good intentions, but look how people get all worked up over stupid comments!

  16. We as simple humans, always try to make sense of what happens but it doesn’t really make sense.
    In the early 1940’s Yidden thought they had it all figured out.
    L’hevel V’lorik.

  17. Would everybody please read comment 6 and do as he/she says.

    Drivers are mostly terrible, and so are pedestrians. Only chesed by drivers and common sense by pedestrians can make the streets safer for all.

  18. If you check out history you will see that most fatal pedestrian accidents occur when it’s raining and nighttime.
    The glare from the lighting and shiny road surface is virtually blinding.
    NYPD should flood the neighborhood with moving violations and enforce the law.

    if we do whatever is right hashem almighty will help us.

  19. #21

    Rav yoseph Chaim Sonnenfeld,lover of zion that he was,was asked how come he refrained from publicly calling for jews to come “home”.

    He responded by citing an example from Milah.
    If two brothers died, the third is an “oness” and is “patur”..

    Tragically,he said,too many spiritually “died”

    while doing the great mitzah of settling the land.

  20. About Time says:
    December 3, 2014 at 2:00 pm

    Rav yoseph Chaim Sonnenfeld,lover of zion that he was,was asked how come he refrained from publicly calling for jews to come “home”.

    He responded by citing an example from Milah.
    If two brothers died, the third is an “oness” and is “patur”..

    Tragically,he said,too many spiritually “died”

    while doing the great mitzah of settling the land.

    You seem to have clairvoyance. Why were 6,000,0000 of us gassed in pre-Israel statehood times, long before the spiritual deaths caused by settling the land? Are we ever immune from spiritual death? Is the level of observance in the Galus A-OK, while walking the frum walk and talking the frum talk, complete with hypochrisy, such as overabundant white collar crime, program abuse, etc?

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