Driving and Texting – Jerusalemites Do it More

textAlmost one-third of Jerusalem area drivers send text messages while behind the wheel a study of the Green Light NGO reveals. Jerusalem area drivers’ text while driving much more than Tel Aviv area drivers where only 19% of drivers’ text while driving.

The poll was conducted by the Geocartiographia Institute which compared SMS texting habits of Jerusalem drivers as compared to drivers in the center of the country.

Do you speak on the phone while driving or use a hands free apparatus?

34% of Jerusalemites speak without hands-free device

19% of drivers from the center of the country speak without a hands-free device

Men speak without a hands free device while driving more often than female drivers (25% as compared to 17%) and they speak on the phone more with a speaker and headset as well (71% as compared to 63%). However, women more frequently read and write text messages while driving, 28% as compared to 18% among men.

Green Light CEO Shmuel Abuav says “This is a national plague that continues to increase and as a result, we are all endangered on the roads. This is a direct result in the budget from the Ministry of Transportation in its war against traffic accidents. Instead of increasing that budget and allocations for additional traffic police units to deter law-breakers who place us all in danger, the budget is cut, resulting in fewer means at our disposal”.

31% of southern district drivers admit to texting and driving frequently.

25% of northern drivers admit to texting while driving frequently.

19% of Sharon area drivers admit to texting while driving frequently.

Green light reports Israel Police in 2012 issued 57,821 summonses in cities for illegal use of a cellular telephone while driving. On an average, in the past five years (2008-2012), 58,000 summonses were issued annually in cities for illegal use of cell phones while driving generating about 58 million shekels for the state annually.

Green Light warns that using one’s cellular device while behind the wheel distracts a driver and significantly increases the likelihood of an accident. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, using a cellular device while driving increases the risk of an accident fourfold.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. “58,000 summonses were issued annually … generating about 58 million shekels”
    if i did the math right, that’s a 1000 shekel a pop
    ask yourself, is it worth it?

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