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Likud Party is Likely to Back Bill to Dissolve the Knesset

likudOn Monday 9 Kislev, the Meretz and Labor opposition parties were first to submit bills to dissolve the Knesset. They act in a timely fashion and therefore the vote on dissolving the 19th Knesset is on the calendar for Wednesday 11 Kislev. At present, it appears Likud will back the bill too.

Senior Likud faction officials told the press unofficially that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has instructed them to back the bill and bring this Knesset to its end. They explain the prime minister prefers to back the opposition initiative rather than submit his own bill to dissolve the Knesset. They signal Mr. Netanyahu is anxious to have elections as soon as possible.

If the bill is passed, then there will be a second and third reading on Monday 16 Kislev. The Knesset will then dissolve and move to a transition government until elections for the 21st Knesset, which many believe will be as soon as March 2015.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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