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Police Despise Yehuda Glick Now More Than Ever

glickFollowing a five-hour hearing before Jerusalem Magistrate Court Justice Aryeh Romanov on Sunday 8 Kislev, persons close to Rabbi Yehuda Glick told the media the hostility and hate by Israel Police against Yehuda Glick is worse now than prior to the attempted assassination. Glick himself was not present, represented by attorney Aviad Visuli due to his weakened condition, having just been released from the hospital after being admitted for almost one month.

Glick appealed to the court against a decision prohibiting him from visiting Har Habayis during the hours the holy site is open to Jews. Police fear his presence on the holy site will provoke shouting, rock-throwing, confrontations and attacks against him and other non-Muslim visitors as well.

Glick asked the court to permit him to show video footage depicting shouts and verbal confrontations on Har Habayis between Arabs and police, particularly the Arabs paid to harass and attack Jews visiting the area. Despite the objections of the prosecution, the videos were aired, showing clearly that Glick and his son during one visit were attacked without any provocation and police basically did nothing to stop the attacks other than to push Glick and his son away from the area. Glick’s attorney wished to show the court the lack of police response to unprovoked attacks on Har Habayis.

Visuli told the court Israel Police simply wish to eliminate the problem when in fact, as the videos show and 20 years of visiting Har Habayis documents, the problem is the Muslims who attack Jews and the Jews clearly are not instigating or engaging in any provocative act on the holy site.

Justice Romanov asked the prosecution and police if following the attempted assassination against Rabbi Glick if they were planning to change their level of preparedness vis-à-vis visitors to Har Habayis and Glick and if there has been a change in the level of the threat status. The prosecution stipulates that following the attempted assassination, Glick’s presence on Har Habayis will elicit an even more worrisome response. The state asked for permission to submit documents to prove the dangers associated with permitting Glick to visit Har Habayis., asking for attorney Visuli and Glick’s supporters be removed from the courtroom, unwilling to reveal these secret documents in the presence of Glick’s attorney, supporters and family members.

The court questioned if the documents will prove that Glick is indeed more dangerous or as a result of events the Arabs view him as more dangerous. The prosecution refused to respond until Glick’s representatives were removed from the courtroom. The court refused to comply with the prosecution’s request.

The court’s decision is expected on Thursday, 12 Kislev 5775.

It is pointed out that Gedolei Yisrael Shlita, past and present remain adamantly opposed to visiting Har Habayis, even if done in accordance with halacha as is the case with Rabbi Glick and his followers. This is also the position of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and many if not most prominent dati leumi poskim in Eretz Yisrael.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Just in terms of Israeli secular law that the police enforce, wouldn’t the prosecution’s case be easier if they simply claim that by treaty Jordan has official control of the area making it a diplomatic rather than a law enforcement issue? They’d be arguing that the hands of the police are essentially tied.

    Short of an argument like this, the police will have a tough time justifying restricting access of non-violent visitors.

  2. The QUESTION that needs answering is: Do JEWS visiting the TEMPLE MT. Cause incitement? Or do the presence of JEWS at the kotel, walking the streets of Yerushalayim & davening in SHULS inflame & cause incitement? & does the ARAB LEADERS & media inflame & cause incitement?

    It is time for the police to up its security to protect the Jews of Israel.

  3. Glick should be thanking the police for saving him from further gehinom! Dont understand how he has the chutzpah and azus to go against all gedoilim! A REAL CHILUL HASHEM!

  4. There must be a real misunderstanding here CHOLENT_POT: If it is forbidden to be on HarHabeit, why are the arabs there? I don’t think they have a heter!? Someone who is arguing that Yews can’t go up because of a psak, needs to be honest and say that nobody (also non Jews) can go up and because it’s our land, we need to restrict access to everybody! Right?

  5. davidrubli,

    Bring your complaints to Moshe Dayan. He was the one who gave the wakf the control of Har Habayis.

    Actually, this was a great chesed Hashem that prevented bnei Yisroel that are tomei mais from being over issur koreis to go on makom hamikdash. Glick’s plan is to let everyone trample the makom kodesh and is a chillul Hashem nora.

  6. I am strongly opposed to going on the har habayis

    Still, Yehuda Glick is very sincere and his somewhat distorted actions are intended towards furthering yahadus

    which is more than can be said about most

  7. “It is pointed out that Gedolei Yisrael Shlita, past and present remain adamantly opposed to visiting Har Habayis, even if done in accordance with halacha as is the case with Rabbi Glick and his followers. This is also the position of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and many if not most prominent dati leumi poskim in Eretz Yisrael.”

    YWN – thank you for changing your standard language on this. As this now states, the Gedolim in question are “Opposed” to visiting the Har HaBayis “even if done in accordance with Halacha”. Their view is based on the wisdom of going up, given a number of factors, including whether the Hamon Am will follow proper procedures, avoid places that are actually Assur, etc. – all 100% legitimate issues (not that they need my Haskama) that are open to discussion. Avoiding the misleading comment that there is an Issur Kares for anyone who goes on the Har is a step in the right direction. “Chosomo shel HKB”H Emmes” – we should all strive to be fully truthful in discussing Halachic issues in particular.

    an Israeli Yid

  8. anIsraeliYid,

    Where are the markings that indicate where one cannot walk? What is to prevent those that are not dati from going in anyways? The Bais Hamikdash had a special wall to prevent entry of nochrim. Why should they be allowed so far in now?

    It is clear that without any markings there is nothing to prevent people from going to a place that is an issur kareis.

  9. Tzoorba
    Those Yidden that prepare for ascending to HAR Habayit go with FRUM guides who have specific maps showing places that are allowed to be walked upon. This has been a MACHLOKES the last 1000 years, the blogs, media & proclamations are not going to end the chiluk Hadaas.

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