Gas Prices in Israel Lowest Since December 2010

gasGas prices went down on Sunday night the eve of 9 Kislev 5775, now at the lowest they have been since December 2010. If you are from N. America, don’t get too excited for the price remains significantly higher than you might be accustomed to paying.

At midnight, the price dropped below 7 shekels per liter. At present a liter of 95 octane gasoline sells for 6.90 shekels for self-service, amounting to $7.11 per US gallon based on the Bank of Israel closing exchange rate on Friday 6 Kislev of $1/3.88 NIS. This represents a 2.18% reduction in the price, which is 15 agorot per liter. For a driver wishing to avail himself of full service at the pumps, the price is an additional 19 agorot per liter. In Eilat, where residents do not pay 18% value added tax, the price of a liter of gasoline in the self-service lane is 5.85 shekels and 6.01 per liter for full service.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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