Obama To Hold White House Meetings On #Ferguson

obaPresident Barack Obama will discuss the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, with his Cabinet, civil rights leaders, law enforcement officials and others Monday.

The White House says Obama’s Cabinet meeting will focus on his administration’s review of federal programs that provide military-style equipment to law enforcement agencies.

The president will also meet with young civil rights leaders to discuss the challenges posed by “mistrust between law enforcement and communities of color.” He’ll then meet with government and law enforcement officials, as well as other community leaders, to discuss how to strengthen neighborhoods.

Protests have continued in Ferguson, but have been more muted than the violence sparked last week by a grand jury’s decision not to indict a police officer in the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown.


3 Responses

  1. 1. Why local police need “military” equipment is a separate matter that has nothing to do with the shooting that triggered the debate. It’s not like he was run-over by a tank or blown to bits by artillery. He was shot by a handgun which is only marginally “military”.

    2. The only “people of color” with an issue are African Americans, and probably one should exclude the recent immigrants from Africa and elsewhere. They seem to have a chip on their shoulder (similar to another ethnic group we are familiar with, every time we look in a mirror, and for a similar reason).

    3. Policeman frequently kills unarmed criminals who resist (the conservative media are highlighting cases to show how common it is). While this is a civil rights issue (it sort of violated due process to execute someone before trial), it isn’t a function of race. There’s no indication that black criminals are any more likely to be killed by the police than non-black criminals.

  2. Who besides the regular race baiters like Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson and of course the formerly fat piece of lard and currently anorexic Al Sharpton will be there?

  3. This meeting was all about community agitating 101. They want to force the narrative down the mouths of school kids. The white house released a statement about agenda.

    When will Obama grow up?

    I know, I know, NEVER!!!

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