Rabbi Tzvi Tau: Bayit Yehudi is ‘Machshir the Sheretz’

benRabbi Tzvi Yisrael Tau Shlita, a leading posek in the dati leumi tzibur and head of Yeshivat Har HaMor has harsh words for the Bayit Yehudi party.

Rabbi Tau speaks of the unacceptable situation in Knesset as the current coalition has passed too many anti-religious bills and endangering the future Jewish character of the nation as a result. Rav Tau explains that one would expect the party that purports to represent dati leumi Jewry to fight against such legislation with all its might, but this is not the case. In a pamphlet released for Shabbos the rav explains that Bayit Yehudi’s continued presence in the coalition represents nothing less than the party taking part in creating a separation between religion and state. Rav Tau has spoken out harshly in the past against the party and its leader, Minister Naftali Bennett, but usually does so in the confines of his beit medrash, during his lectures and shiurim.

He points out a secular government does not have “the legitimacy” to compromise the [religious] status quo but with Bayit Yehudi involved this has been possible. He adds that the voices of opposition from rabbonim affiliated with the party are too weak and they do not merit public support. They are giving moral credibility to separation between religion and state Rabbi Tau warns.

Rabbi Tau then addressed the claim that Bayit Yehudi has accomplished so much and without Bennett and his party, none of this would have been possible and the situation would be far worse.

Rabbi Tau rejects this contention, explaining with Bayit Yehudi having a hand in the decision-making policies of this coalition outweighs all else because the party gives a “hechsher and legitimacy” to the laws passed by the current coalition.

“הנקודה אינה אם לפרוש מהממשלה או לא, אלא לעצור בכל מחיר את החקיקה האנטי דתית, גם אם לשם כך צריך ליצור משבר קואליציוני. אם איום של יציאה מהממשלה על ענייני ארץ ישראל או שחרור אסירים נשמע הגיוני, מדוע איום כזה על התנתקות הדת מהמדינה נחשב ל’קיצוני’ וכ’בריחה מאחריות’? הרי התנתקות כזו היא הרסנית הרבה יותר. היא פגיעה ממשית בתשתיות המדינה ויש להתייחס אליה בתור שעת חירום לאומית”.

The above paragraph from the pamphlet adds; “The point is not if they should break from the coalition or remain, but to stop the anti-religious legislation at all costs, even if this means a coalition crisis. If the threat to break from the coalition on matters pertaining to Eretz Yisrael or the release of terrorists sounds reasonable, why does the same threat regarding separation of religion and state sound radical and viewed as running from one’s responsibilities? Such a cutting off [of religion and state] is far more devastating. It is an assault against the infrastructure of the state and must be regarding at a national state of emergency.”

“The first bill the party should have passed into law is that the Knesset does not have authority to interfere in matters of halacha” states Rabbi Tau. “This has been the historic role of the religious party and if it is not doing this, it represents criminal negligence and abandoning the responsibilities of the post. This behavior in which the Knesset discusses and decides matters of religion in the state is pasul from the core. The Knesset is to receive instruction and direction from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and anchor religious matters into the law. The Knesset’s blatant involvement in Torah and Yahadut represents entering an area without authority or jurisdiction”.

Bayit Yehudi responded to the rav stating “We respect all opinions and we will continue standing firm on our principles to protect Eretz Yisrael, Am Yisrael and Toras Yisrael despite protests from the left-wing.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Unless he directs his complaint against “R’ Drukman” it’s a waste of time. HE is the Hechsher of Bennet.

    In those circles most people don’t feel a strong obligation to follow the Rabonim, and as long as there’s some kind of stamp they’ll do what’s good in their eyes. – Drukman is it.

  2. Again, I feel Bennet is not a bad guy, he’s just a product of the majority of that community, and if there wouldn’t be any “Rav” endorsing him he wouldn’t do it. My feeling is very well founded that the blame is on “Rav” Drukman.

  3. Harav Tau is certainly not a posek, leading or otherwise, nor has he ever been a supporter of Habayit Hayehudi – he voted for, and called upon his students to vote for, Sha”s.

  4. #5

    You’re trying to expose your chevra’s falsehood ?

    Rav Tau headed to the main Yeshiva in Gaza before the withdrawal.

    He personified in his own person religious zionism.

    Every knows that he is as authentic as it gets.

    His very authenticity forced him to make his diametric switch.

    His disgust which turned him from Mafda”l and BY ought to have been a radical wake up call for all

    ….that would be too inconvenient for the dati

    Hose’a 14:10

    and the rest of Nach

  5. #5

    “The first bill the party should have passed into law is that the Knesset does not have authority to interfere in matters of halacha” states Rabbi Tau. “This has been the historic role of the religious party and if it is not doing this, it represents criminal negligence and abandoning the responsibilities of the post. This behavior in which the Knesset discusses and decides matters of religion in the state is pasul from the core. The Knesset is to receive instruction and direction from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and anchor religious matters into the law. The Knesset’s blatant involvement in Torah and Yahadut represents entering an area without authority or jurisdiction”.

    So a Rav who hold like this has zero place among your crowd?

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