Frum Soldier Stuck on Base for 21 Days for Refusing to Shave his Beard

idffnWith efforts to get more chareidim into the military out of the headlines it appears the IDF is increasingly willing to permit commanders to revert back to their practices of religious discrimination. Politicians and senior commanders insist the IDF is suitable for chareidim but recent events show a different reality as commanders are coming down hard on chareidi soldiers with beards.

A frum soldier who entered the military received permission from officers, including the rav of base for his beard. When he refused to shave his beard at a later time he was sentenced to remain on base for 21 days as a punishment.

The soldier is serving on the Tel Nof Air Force Base and the latter prides itself in its clean shaven soldiers and officers. The soldier’s decision to enlist was truly mesirus nefesh and he is truly a lone soldier after his family abandoned him for entering the military. He reports he has no connection with his family as a result of his decision to serve.

A brother explains the family is using the media to wage its war against the IDF. The soldier’s brother told Israel Radio’s Reshet Bet that “events speak for themselves. The rav of the base permitted him to grow a beard and he is then punished or doing so despite the rav explaining he knows him personally and he is truly a chareidi soldier who wears a black yarmulke and maintains a frum life. He will face a military judicial process after the 21-days punishment. He decided he is not going to prison and left the base, feeling he has nothing to lose. He did everything he could. He spoke with his superiors and did everything by the book. He acted as he did having run out of options.

“The army maintains the soldier is not chareidi. The rav knows him and has spoken out on his behalf” the brother says. The rav tested him on halacha and it was clear that he is genuine and not acting frum while he is not. Now my brother feels like there is no one to speak to and he is simply banging his head against the wall” the brother told Israel Radio.

Family members told the media he planned to make a career of the IDF, viewing his enlistment as a life opportunity. He decided to follow his uncle. The family however viewed this a red line and warned him if he goes through with it he will be disowned.

“I don’t understand how the IDF can call for more chareidim on the one hand while persecuting chareidim already in the army. I truly hope someone will become involved for this cannot continue” concluded the brother.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. Do you know the story of the cat that was trained like human being, with a great Rabbi saying its impossible, while the cat was serving as a waiter a the Rabbi released a mouse to run on the table, the cat dropped everything started to jump on the table after the mouse, so can you train the cat ????? The non frum in Israel are trained to hate chareidim like the cat hates the mouse, than you train them to accept the chareidim and serve them correctly in trhe army, but the second they see the chareidy they lose control of all training and run after the chareidim.

  2. The Army has clear rules: If you enter with facial hair, you can keep it. You get an “Ishur Zakan”. Being religious has nothing to do with it.

    But you cannot – usually – start growing facial hair after you enter the army. (With the Exception of during the 3 weeks and the Sefira, when you can get a temporary “Ishur Zakan”.)

    This fellow entered the army (according to other similar articles) clean shaven. So the army doesn’t see why the Halacha changes once you’re enlisted.

    It’s easy to write articles to show the army in an anti-Chareidi light, but by changing the facts you’re not being honest.

  3. Whether #3 is right or wrong, my heart goes out to him for being disowned by his parents for joining the air force. We already “adopted” a lone soldier from the States – what’s one more? He is welcome to be a part of our family.

  4. #3

    How about the two religious officers that were expelled from the Pilots Course 3 or 4 years ago because their beards would have a detrimental impact on “Unit morale”
    and “unit cohesion” ?

  5. “The non frum in Israel are trained to hate chareidim like the cat hates the mouse”

    This is categorically false and Motzei Sheium Rah. A Chareidi news source did a poll last year that showed the exact opposite, that Chilonim respect Chareidim and like the ones they know personally.

    Where they had a problem with was the Chareidi politicians. I’m an FFB, and I have the same problems with the Chareidi politicians who often act like bulls in a china shop. They seriously need to learn how to relate to people and make a cohesive argument that educates people in a constructive way.

  6. “This fellow entered the army (according to other similar articles) clean shaven. So the army doesn’t see why the Halacha changes once you’re enlisted.”

    So the IDF (and Yagel Libi) believe it’s ossur to become frumer once you’ve joined the IDF. R”L.

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