Betar Illit Decides to Step-Up Security

beitarWhile the escalation in acts of Islamic violence and terror have not reached the community of Betar Illit B’chasdei Hashem, city officials are not complacent and they are addressing the worrisome situation. Mayor Rav Meir Rubinstein this week convened a meeting with city officials, Gush Etzion police commanders and other regional officials to discuss security in the chareidi city. The decision was made to step-up security in an effort to prevent the wave of violence from reaching the city chas v’sholom.

One of the decisions was to purchase additional security cameras for Rav Shach Street and Hadar Betar. A good portion of the meeting focused on the entrance to the city and how the sentry must act to inspect arriving and exiting vehicles/people. The mayor also reported securing a budget for additional neighborhood police patrols and the details have already been approved by Minister of Public Security Yitzchak Aharonovich.

Rubinstein discussed the city’s first response team, pointing out the IDF demands all members must be veterans who are actively serving in the reserves. The mayor explains there are too few who qualify and he is working with the IDF to permit others to join the team even if they fail to meet the requirements.

The mayor promises there will be additional security patrol vehicles operating in the city as well. Rubinstein explained the fact so many learn Torah in the city, he knows there is a great deal of protect but amid this, he is equally aware he is not absolved of his duty to do his utmost to have standard security measure in place that are commensurate with the current situation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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