Holder: ‘Disappointed’ by Violence in Ferguson

holderAttorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday he was “disappointed” by the violence in Ferguson, Missouri, that followed a grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson for killing Michael Brown.

“It is clear, I think, that acts of violence threaten to drown out those who have legitimate voices, legitimate demonstrators,” Holder told reporters. “Those acts of violence cannot and will not be condoned.”

Holder said he was encouraged by some of the peaceful demonstrations in the suburban St. Louis city and by those protesters who discouraged others from rioting, calling them “heroes, in my mind.”

The attorney general said he has instructed his staff to work with leaders of the nonviolent protests to help root out and isolate anyone bent on destruction. He also has asked for an after-action review to help identify “criminal elements” in otherwise peaceful demonstrations.

Minutes after the decision not to indict Wilson was announced Monday night, protesters poured into the streets of Ferguson. Some commercial buildings were burned down and dozens of people were arrested, many for burglary and trespassing. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon said more than 2,200 National Guardsmen will be in place in the region near Ferguson on Tuesday night in the event of more violence.

“This is a difficult time for people in Ferguson. It’s a difficult time for people in our country,” Holder said.

Separate from the county grand jury probe, the Justice Department is conducting a civil rights investigation into the Aug. 9 shooting of Brown, an unarmed black 18-year-old, and is also investigating the policing practices of the entire Ferguson police department.

Holder said the department was looking to complete those investigations as quickly as possible “to restore trust, to rebuild understanding and to foster cooperation between law enforcement and community members.”


4 Responses

  1. I don’t believe that for a second. Neither him nor the good for nothing in the White House cared that these hooligans carried out these attacks on innocent people. If they had, and this goes especially obama, they should have spoken directly to the protestors BEFORE the verdict to implore them to remain calm. They also would have told that piece of garbage sharpton to stay out of Ferguson. But they didn’t and you know why? Because they believe too that there was a miscarriage of justice and that the people deserve to be able to carry out their rage even if it means innocent people and businesses will be hurt in the process. Let’s not forget that Hussain was and still is a community organizer first and this plays right into his game.

  2. “He also has asked for an after-action review to help identify “criminal elements” in otherwise peaceful demonstrations”

    What in the world is he talking about?

    This unelected criminal is thee cause of the “violence” taking place in Ferguson. Mr. Witholder has used his position as AG to incite racial tensions, ever since Obama disgraced the Nation and put this bum in power. This liar will not have a single black “arrested” in Ferguson. He wants as much violence as possible and hopefully some “white” cops will get injured (or worse)in the process, to teach them a lesson.
    Just like his boss, Obama, Witholder is ungrateful that he, as a black, has reached such a position of power in a “white” Country. Still loves to play “victim”.

  3. holder’s disappointed?! he practically caused this whole thing with his stupid announcement right after the grand jury decision that the (in)justice dept would be investigating this further. the justice dept doesnt just open investigations randomly–there needs to be some evidence of wrongdoing, of which theres none, so holder is just fanning the flames, pandering to the phony civil rights “leaders” with this ridiculous announcement. its not far fetched to assume there will be more violence from these animals when holder announces theres no evidence for justice dept to prosecute.

  4. ” they believe too that there was a miscarriage of justice ”

    Had a non-Jewish police officer shot and killed an unarmed Jew under suspicious circumstances there would be hundreds of comments here calling for the officer’s head regardless of the evidence. In Israel, if the dead Jew were a charedi and the police officer chiloni, there would be rioting.

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