Bill: Don’t Return Bodies of Terrorists to their Families

hamasnhamasnLikud MK Danny Danon feels the time is come to get considerably tougher on terrorists and their families. Danon has introduced a bill that would prevent Israel handing over the bodies of dead terrorists to permit their families to bury them and mourn. The bill also stipulates the bodies may not be turned over to the PA (Palestinian Authority). Danon feels the funerals are generally a forum to praise and glorify the terrorists, referred to as Shahid (martyrs) and often perpetuated by naming a street or square in the PA after them.

Danon explains there is a precedent as Israel buried the bodies of Hizbullah terrorists in unknown cemeteries and the same must be done here. He explains Israel has to begin talking the same language as terrorists and getting tough, to stop playing by rules that are interpreted by terrorists as a sign of weakness.

The MK explains even house demolitions are not what they must be because destroying a room of a terrorist while leaving a home standing permits the family to rebuild the room.

Danon was asked to comment on proposals to bury Islamic terrorists in pig skin to prevent them from entering paradise, he explained he is unaware of such proposals but feels preventing families from burying the terrorists is a necessary step in the correct direction.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. We still have to recover body of OUR Israeli soldier kidnapped in Gaza tunnel this summer. That must be 1st order of business, and until then surely no Palestinian body can conceivably be returned.

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