Video And Photos: Lakewood Chaveirim Search For Missing Cochlear Implant

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Lakewood Chaveirim received a call on Sunday, from a distressed mother. She said her son was jumping in a pile of leaves, and his cochlear implant that costs a few thousand dollars fell out and got lost in the pile. The family members combed and searched the pile but came up with nothing.

Within minutes, numerous Chaveirim members responded to the call. They brought metal detectors, magnets, rakes etc, to assist in the search. After about an hour & 1/2 of combing the massive leaf pile, their efforts were paid off – and the hearing implant was found!

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6 Responses

  1. let no one say we can live with out all these wonderful organizations that make our life easier on a daily basis
    may we not need their services but once you come into contact with all these “plain regular people”= tzadikim who are their for our community 24-7 and drop what ever they are doing to come help and rescue another person one gets a glimpse of the awesome nation we are part of and cant help but exclaim MI KEAMCHU YISROEL

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