LIVE WEBCAST AT 4:45PM EST: Annual Chabad Shluchim Convention


This year, for the tenth year, tens of thousands of viewers from around the world will be able to view the International Kinus HaShluchim banquet live on a broadcast made possible by the organizers of the Kinus. The live streaming webcast begins at 4:45pm on Sunday, Nov. 3, and is taking place at the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal.

The highlight is always the traditional roll call of countries and regions which is followed by spirited dancing.

As we have in the past ten years, YWN will be bringing you thousands of photos, as well as extensive video and photo coverage from the massive event.

Visit Jewish.TV for more Jewish videos.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. When the gemara says about yakov avinu lo mes ma zaro bachayim af hu bachaim that just like his decendents are alive so to he is alive
    I can’t find a better example then by the lubavitcher rebbe that even after 20 years of His passing there still are thousands of shluchim most of whom that moved out after the Rebbes passing fulfilling the Rebbe’s mission

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