Pick Up your Copy of Business Network Magazine Now


Visit your local grocery store or supermarket and you’ll find the new issue of Business Network magazine at the newsstand.

Business Network – the Jewish community’s only business magazine – is being sold at over 250 locations across North America and beyond. This exciting issue was months in the works, and brings an amazing array of practical business and career advice from the pros to every member of our community.

The cover story features Warren Buffett, delving into his business advice and a professional analysis of how it applies in today’s market conditions. Additionally, there are articles and tips from a whole range of recognized figures, which can help readers in any industry, at any stage.

As always, Business Network is pleasant to read – beautifully laid out, and in vivid color. The magazine is published by the  Parnassah Network, which has already amassed many hundreds of members from communities across the world. “Business Network serves as the perfect vehicle to help keep businesses and individuals in our community connected to the highest echelons of the business world,” says Reb Duvi Honig.


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