Gafne Nixes Rumors of a Willingness to Work with Bayit Yehudi

gafneThe kenos of chareidi elected officials is underway in the Nir Etzion Hotel. Chareidi representatives of local government, askanim involved in public work and chareidi MKs from around Israel are taking part in the event which got underway on Sunday 23 Marcheshvan.

MKs Aryeh Deri (Shas), Moshe Gafne (Degel Hatorah) and Yaakov Litzman (Agudas Yisrael) told participants that rumors appearing in the media of an imminent deal to bring chareidim into the coalition government are simply not based in fact. The three stated at present, such an occurrence is not realistic.

When asked to comment on the makeup of the current coalition government, Gafne explained that he personally has never encountered “such hostility and animosity from any party as has been the case from Bayit Yehudi and secular parties would never speak about chareidim as Bayit Yehudi does”.

Taking part in a political panel discussion was Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, who was confronted by allegations from Gafne that City Hall is not meeting the needs of the chareidi residents of the capital. The mayor told chareidi representatives that his administration remains committed to serving the chareidi residents of the capital as it does to other residents. Gafne then addressed growing chilul Shabbos among businesses in the capital, to which the mayor retorted he remains committed to the city’s religious status quo.

Hundreds of representatives from different cities and municipalities from the chareidi sector brainstormed as how to address pressing issues impacting the tzibur today. Special attention was given to a number of issues including the rising costs of basic items.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Of course Gafne and UTJ have always shown love and respect for HaBayit HaYehudi (the Mafda”l) and it constituents. Nu schoin.

  2. All Bayit Yehudi has to do is give up on their plan to conscript yeshiva students, and the hareidi parties will be their best friends.

  3. all those thousands of words here & over the net,of how UTJ would cave and sell themselves to the highest bidder..would they finally admit a bit of their ruthless ,conniving deceit?

    oh, as per mr.bennet “words can kill”

    Hopefully ,though, they will work together to pass the ‘The Jewish State’ bill,but if and only if it has any teeth.

  4. #1
    and they should ?!?
    most of BY and their supporters(does that include you?) have been on par with Open orthodoxy
    and the haskalah
    Silly, there is lot more than the draft.

    In the end ,

    HaRav Shteinman will decide

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