Subway Riders Stranded in 2010 Blizzard Get $2,500

blizSome passengers stranded for hours on a freezing subway train during a 2010 blizzard are getting $2,500 from New York City’s transit agency.

The settlements were reached with 38 riders who sued the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. They were among some 500 passengers aboard A train that was idled by two feet of snow. Passengers sat on the train for 10 hours without food, water or heat.

Aymen Aboushi, a lawyer for one of the plaintiffs, tells the Daily News the goal of the suit was to ensure it didn’t happen again.

MTA spokesman Kevin Ortiz called it “a fair settlement for all parties involved.”

Among measures the agency adopted after the storm was a customer advocate to ensure riders’ well-being on stuck vehicles.


2 Responses

  1. Sooo how many times this handout will we pay for? In the form of a price raise. Common. Unions will never permitthis to come from their rank and files wages. They’ll just complaintthey’re losing money and need a fare increase. Once it’s up it don’t come down. Soooo tell me who’s paying.

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